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Lowering the standard 172 seat.

  Cup'd Monaco 172
Lowering the standard 172 seat. Can it be done? The seats are really nice, but the driving position is crap. Its high, and you have have to seat really upright to be close to the wheel.

I accept this maybe down to my preference and physic size.

Ideally I'd like to lower the seat and bring the wheel closer.

I had buckets in my last car, but didn't really want to change the nice interior in my car.

The seats got the normal lowering on it but its not superb.

I've been meaning to look into it you could lower it if you remove the seat slider and make a metal bar up would lower it by 15~20mm I think. Remove faom from the seat will also lower it.
  Mégane RS
i should look into this lol, i took my seat apart and stripped it down to the frame lol
  RS Clio 200
hmmmmm yeh id like to see the result of this....
i need mine lower than it will go.

Erm, Edde.... when you say take the foam out.... please tell me ure joking LOL
  M2 Competition
Aye, this used to annoy me too, one of the reasons i got buckets. Drive positions near on perfect with them :)
  Ultra 197 ex 172 Cup
if you take the plastic washers off the seat i presume you mean the big ones at the bottom of the rails, it will rub the carpet, unles you just remove the slide rails and bolt the seats directly onto the floor. would be a bit stupid though
  RS Clio 200
if you take the plastic washers off the seat i presume you mean the big ones at the bottom of the rails, it will rub the carpet, unles you just remove the slide rails and bolt the seats directly onto the floor. would be a bit stupid though

how big are these washers?
They are about half a mil thick the only bits I can think you mean are the crappy little plastic spacer that sit under the runner at the front and back if you looks next to your handbrake you will see them. Like said the seat will rub on the carpet and will look untidy. Also taking then foam out I think would leave it looking untidy as you would be left with a gap between the bottom half and top half?
I think you would have to put a lot of work into fabricating slightly lower runner even at that the difference wouldnt be huge.If you could get someone to weld on a new square frame for under the foam where your bum goes but slightly lower and then cut out the original frame it could be done.
  RS Clio 200
They are about half a mil thick the only bits I can think you mean are the crappy little plastic spacer that sit under the runner at the front and back if you looks next to your handbrake you will see them. Like said the seat will rub on the carpet and will look untidy. Also taking then foam out I think would leave it looking untidy as you would be left with a gap between the bottom half and top half?
I think you would have to put a lot of work into fabricating slightly lower runner even at that the difference wouldnt be huge.If you could get someone to weld on a new square frame for under the foam where your bum goes but slightly lower and then cut out the original frame it could be done.

Now there is a project for me next sunday!
