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Making cars safer - my theory!!

  133/225/CLS AMG

Cars are getting safer and safer right?!?!?

In some aspects this causes people to take less care as they dont feel unsafe and therefore (some) people will take extra risk, drink or drug drive etc.

Well my theory is that is you make things less safe people will take care. Instead of an airbag why not put a 3ft spike facing you so you know if you crash your screwed!!!

What do people think??? :D
  133/225/CLS AMG

Not that short a post mate, if you look at the overall point!

Im talking about if everyone had the same lack of safety!!! :confused:

Its not an optional extra is it. Besides that was an example wasnt it, the point is that if you protect people too much they become complacent.
  133/225/CLS AMG

Youre missing the point, the spike was a theory. Its the point that if you know youre gonna get hurt you wont mess about. :cry:


ClioSport Club Member

I think that would be a great idea...get people to take responsibility for their actions.

Too many people drive like total arrogant selfish pricks, believing that ABS/ESP, airbags, pre-tensioners, safety cells protect them and they can get away with anything.

How about driving so you dont have an accident in the first place?

A big spike would ensure most people drove more smoothly, not necessarily more slowly.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4

how many complete f**king arr*gant d*ckheads do you see flying down the motorways doing over 100mph switching lanes at speed in their BMWs and Mercedes whilst on their mobiles phones. Personally, over the last 2 years travelling up and down the country I have seen too many!!
  MKIII 138

Quote: Originally posted by Gaz2130 on 23 May 2005

how many complete f**king arr*gant d*ckheads do you see flying down the motorways doing over 100mph switching lanes at speed in their BMWs and Mercedes whilst on their mobiles phones. Personally, over the last 2 years travelling up and down the country I have seen too many!!
shouldnt you be looking at the road lol :p
  ex Clio 172 owner :(

Isnt it a Citroen C5 that has some sort of vibration in the seat if it detects you veering from side to side, like when youre nodding off.

Excellent idea.

Why not have some sort of spike up the jacksy if you drive to fast (lol). This could work in conjuction with radar that detects you driving too close.
  Renault Sport clio 1

well if you need that vibration thing to keep you awake you shouldnt be driving anyway!
  133/225/CLS AMG

At least the Citroen idea means you can cover your eyes up and drive over a very narrow bridge!! What a nice safe example that advert is! lol

I think someone should invent a Drive-like-a-c*nt-ometer which determines if your driving is good or if you being a w*nker on a 0-10 level. If you get below a 5 then as you get out of the car it trips you over and tw*ts you on the head with the door.

That would leave a lot of white van drivers with head injuries!!

Quote: Originally posted by AlexJMills on 23 May 2005

Youre missing the point, the spike was a theory. Its the point that if you know youre gonna get hurt you wont mess about. :cry:

Tell that to

They are very vunerable, and yet most still ride along at very high speed.....

A spikes wont make any difference to drivers, because most people drive along with the "It wont happen to me" mentality.


btw, I was I motorcyclist for 14 years, befor bikers start moaning at me....:eek:
  Astra VXR 17/05/07

Not all accidents are caused by idiots racing for starters.


The clue is in the word,i was once first on the scene when a lady had a fit whilst driving.It was her first fit and she had no warning,she blacked out and smacked into the central reservation on a motorway in the early hours.

She was foaming at the mouth and was having an epileptic fit,luckily i didnt have to remove a 3ft spike from her forehead and she survived.

Your theory is a bag of w**k.

good topic,

there was actually an artical a loing time ago in mcn , motor cycly newspaper.

it tested giving riders different levels of safty gear, from just a helmet and jeans

to full pads and protection. (obviously they wernt told about the test)

they found witht eh pads the riders were much faster and took more risk than those just with jeans and a helmet etc.

so less protection = less chance of a crash but if you crash more chance of serious injury.
  Golf GTD

an accident, is as you say, an accident.

i think some people do drive like dicks, but its not always people driving too fast. Round Norfolk way there are FAR too many dangerous vehicles on the road.

Tractors, traveling about 10MPH, leaving dirt all over the road, causing massive tailbacks, people do stupid overtakes on bendy roads

Old People, travel at one speed about 40MPH again causing people to overtake and also causing danger in 20MPH or 30MPH zones.
  Clio 1.4, SV650S

i always think its worse when people think they can drive, and turn their esp off... ha.

so when you overcook it into a wet roundabout understeer off the otherside into a bus stop of schoolkids and your ESP didnt save you then where would you be?

(actually where do insurance companies stand if you crash without ESP when youre supposed to have it? maybe they cant tell. hmm)
  133/225/CLS AMG

Quote: Originally posted by Funkyjahooner on 23 May 2005

Not all accidents are caused by idiots racing for starters.


The clue is in the word,i was once first on the scene when a lady had a fit whilst driving.It was her first fit and she had no warning,she blacked out and smacked into the central reservation on a motorway in the early hours.

She was foaming at the mouth and was having an epileptic fit,luckily i didnt have to remove a 3ft spike from her forehead and she survived.

Your theory is a bag of w**k.
Nice to see an open mind, especially with that last comment.

The theory was not the 3ft spike on the steering wheel, that was just a non serious examlple. Its the fact that he that the safer people feel the more reckless they become, also the whole it wont happen to me mentality.
  Astra VXR 17/05/07

Quote: Originally posted by AlexJMills on 24 May 2005

Quote: Originally posted by Funkyjahooner on 23 May 2005

Not all accidents are caused by idiots racing for starters.


The clue is in the word,i was once first on the scene when a lady had a fit whilst driving.It was her first fit and she had no warning,she blacked out and smacked into the central reservation on a motorway in the early hours.

She was foaming at the mouth and was having an epileptic fit,luckily i didnt have to remove a 3ft spike from her forehead and she survived.

Your theory is a bag of w**k.
Nice to see an open mind, especially with that last comment.

The theory was not the 3ft spike on the steering wheel, that was just a non serious examlple. Its the fact that he that the safer people feel the more reckless they become, also the whole it wont happen to me mentality.

I do have an open mind,that last comment was a non serious answer

Like i have already said,not all accidents are from reckless people being reckless because they feel safe.

Where did you get your safer they feel the more reckless they become fact as a matter of interest ?

Not everybody buys safe cars so they can become reckless,some people actaully buy cars based on the " It could happen to me " theory.

So people buy Scenics and other safe Mpvs with 5 star Ncap ratings so they can drive like idiots ???? I doubt it :confused:

Try telling the lady who had her first epileptic fit whilst driving down a motorway that a 3ft spike is a good idea :mad:
  133/225/CLS AMG

Your seeing this in a very black and white way arent you Funkyjahooner?

Everything Ive said is as an opinion and none of it is fact as you put it. It is correct that not everyone buys a safe car so they drive dangerously or with the intent to race.

Did I say a 3ft spike is a good idea!!!! No, it was a non serious suggestion that actually had a principle. You have overreacted due to a personal experience you have had.

Why dont you try actually reading and digesting the point of this post rather than skimming it and reacting. It wasnt out to offend it was an idea to see what people thought.

I have no doubt this post will be removed now due to your unecessary attitude!!! :mad: :mad:
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2

Can I also add - there is no such thing as an accident anymore. When I had my crash in April its now referred to as an RTI - Road Traffic Incident. This is because, as the Police officers attending correctly stated, there is always going to be someone/something to blame.

Alex your right though - I think a huge spike behind my steering wheel or electrodes in my seat would make me a better driver.
  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine

I think you should get the option when you buy a car to either get one fitted with normal seats and a bunch of airbags, or get it fitted with bucket seats and seatbelt harnesses and do away with the airbags all together. All airbags do is rack up the cost of insurance claims.

Having airbags in the car may make some people feel more safe, but it doesnt necessarily mean they will be more reckless.
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2

Rick when I crashed I had harnesses and buckets with airbags - the airbag broke my nose...

LOL but yeah I think 12v through my arse every time I broke the speed limit, everytime I cut someone up, everytime I drove like a prat would really make me pay attention.

The ideal solution is to scare people and make them realise the effect there recklace driving might have while still keeping them as safe as possible. Thats what the goverments tried to do with the Think campaigne and those speeding adverts with kids being run over.

I read the msn artice too and can see what your saying alex. If realised if you crashed you were going to get seriously hurt youd be more careful. Yet some people who have never been in a acident dont always apear to see what could happen.

Yet at the same time it is almost imoral (sp) to not make a car as safe as possible.

  Astra VXR 17/05/07

I see things as you have posted AlexJMills,try reading your OWN post first then you will see what my comments relate to.

Quote number 1 from the first post from you....

Well my theory is that is you make things less safe people will take care.

That is nonsense ,if that was the case then all the people in the less safe cars will be driving with more care and vice versa these with safer cars will be driving with less care.:confused: Try opening your eyes next time you are out and about,your theory does not make any sense.

Quote number 2 from you...

Instead of an airbag why not put a 3ft spike facing you so you know if you crash your screwed!!!

There is no mention that it was a non serious suggestion,people can only react to what you say on here.Forgive me but my crystal ball is in for repair so i couldnt read your mind...only your words.

Number 3

if you protect people too much they become complacent.

Again another comment that doesnt make sense.Modern cars are a lot safer now,i doubt very much people get complacent because in a crash a few airbags will pop open and such like.

Number 4

Its the point that if you know youre gonna get hurt you wont mess about.

Like as adults we dont know the consequences of a crash ??? We all know that and to think otherwise is to patronise us.

Number 5

You have overreacted due to a personal experience you have had.

I did not overreactat all,i was speaking from an experience i had when i was first on the scene with a lady who had an accident or incident whatever you want to call it.The reason i meantioned that was because your theory looks senseless when incidents like that happen.

Number 6

Why dont you try actually reading and digesting the point of this post rather than skimming it and reacting.

The point of this post is to show you that i have actually taken the time to read and digest your points.As for the thread getting removed,calm down Sunshine,the mods wont remove a post simply because someone doesnt agree with you.Welcome to the wonderfull world of the internet post..people resond.

Number 7

What do people think???

In my opinion this thread is something my 6 year old son would post.Daddy if we had spikes in cars people would have to be carefull.....
  133/225/CLS AMG


LIGHTEN THE F*CK UP!! I sympathise with youre 6 year old son if his dad takes things so damn seriously.

If you dont like the post dont read it let alone spend half of your free time writing essays.

I dont come on this forum to get moaned at over a post which no one else seemed to have a problem with except you.
  Astra VXR 17/05/07


Grow up Sunshine.Its a forum,the idea is people respond to posts.

Its obvious you dont like people who dont agree with what you post.If i want to take the time to write an essay as an answer i will...or would you prefer a one liner ????? Well here is the news,i can reply in as many or as few words as i like,deal with it....

Just to make things crystal clear,i will repeat myself....i DONT have a problem with your post,i have an opinion.If you dont like people posting opinions then either dont post or accept it.

Look again at your first asked what people thought.Maybe you should ask what people think in less than 20 words next time ???
  133/225/CLS AMG

Quote: Originally posted by Funkyjahooner on 24 May 2005


Grow up Sunshine.Its a forum,the idea is people respond to posts.

Its obvious you dont like people who dont agree with what you post.If i want to take the time to write an essay as an answer i will...or would you prefer a one liner ????? Well here is the news,i can reply in as many or as few words as i like,deal with it....

Just to make things crystal clear,i will repeat myself....i DONT have a problem with your post,i have an opinion.If you dont like people posting opinions then either dont post or accept it.

Look again at your first asked what people thought.Maybe you should ask what people think in less than 20 words next time ???
It all so easy being so damn patronising when youre on a faceless forum.

Thanks for explaining the idea of a forum, I needed that. The trouble is youre way of expressing youre opinion comes accross as rude, arrogant and unecessary.

Maybe you should think about how you write youre replies as to whether it may get someone back up. Not everyone agrees with everyone and I can see we wouldnt agree, thats fine. When you go on someones post and just rubbish what they say it is just rude. THATS THE PROBLEM!

I think alex was just trying give an opinion with the spike comment just being a dramatic example he doesnt really mean put a spike on the steering wheel!

  Astra VXR 17/05/07

Alex you are making a fool of yourself asking in a thread what peope think then taking it to this stage because people do as you asked :sick:

You asked...i answered.

Instead of criticising my style of answering try reading the subject matter of my repiles.I have noticed you have LITTLE or NOTHING to say on some points i have made but have plenty to say in the way i have answered.:confused:

People dont have crystal balls Alex,we have to take things as you post them and not second guess what you mean !!
  133/225/CLS AMG

You really have not right to be so f**king rude!! Do you get off on offending people.

I dont think Ive come accross someone in a forum that is as patronising, arrogant, ignorant and anally retentive as you.

I work with enough c***s let alone having to converse with one whilst Im at home.

I give up on this f**king subject.

30 years and more ago cars were NO where near as "safe" as they are now, NO Seat belts, NO Airbags, NO side impact bars or crumple zones.

30 years and more ago there was about 10,000,000 less vehicles on the road yet TWICE the amount of deaths.....

less safe Vehicles = MORE deaths, its as simple as that.

  ex Clio 172 owner :(

An extreme example given to simplify a point.

To take it literally? WTF?

Like a spike would ever make it into production. Besides, my lass sits behind me sometimes. Id be paranoid as f.
