Haha fair man!
I'm sure a group of us were blitzing gold with level 20's at the time! :rasp:
I'm sure a group of us were blitzing gold with level 20's at the time! :rasp:
Spirez - why on Earth did you do that?!
I need to go through and do the ending again now the extra bits have been created. Either that or just watch them on Youtube. For some reaon even though this is probably my favourite game ever, once I complete each one I never touch them again.
Not played this for a while - the banshees were really hard and they were the ones I concentrated on killing. Just keep away from them as much as possible but concentrate on them. I think I used some biotics to keep knocking them back and running around once they got close (keeping cover doesn't work too well against them!) and left my team mates as buffer shields, reviving them as necessary. The marauders can be handled afterwards / as you're running about. Also select team members who are more tank like as you want them to last as long as possible and soak up some damage.
Sorry can't be more specific in tactics but did this like a year ago! I remember it being challenging but just went gung ho and firing off bullets/biotics as quick as I could. This is probably the hardest bif of the game though, once you do this it's quite easy for the remainder.
I'm really intrigued to get this game and I have a ps3 and an Xbox at the gfs, ideally I want it for the ps3 as my gf is an ASW so I won't get much peace at hers, can't seem to find the original anywhere for it, any ideas or links? Also might be willing to get the series for the pc, I only have a Sony vaio, would it be capable of playing these? I have a 1.5gHz i3 dual core and 4GB of ram?