It was from mylan auto designs on hereBrilliant write-up on a great car
I know it was a while ago but where did you get the footrest from?
Thanks I will have a look:up:It was from mylan auto designs on here :smile:
This picture just with springs? No spacers?Just get H&R springs and it will finish it off mate!
Having had both a 200 with H&R and spacers as well as my current UR with only H&R springs, don't bother with the spacers, looks better without!
Looks perfect mate!
I was moments away from getting an alien green 200...till my missus said she was pregnant! 3 years later I still haven't got one. I do now have a 172 though after a Twingo 133 being my last RS car. Great cars them 200's almost the complete package. I say almost cos the mpg is dreadful lol
Whats the name/model of those recaros. I sat in a alien green Clio in Williams Cardiff with those fitted and their stunning seats!