The new RB's looking nice Mat. Shame it's not an FF though

I was looking for a FF to be honest, but this one was in such good condition and had the most extensive service history of any car I'd seen, it was a no brainer really.
In all honesty the cup thing doesn't even bother me. The seats are alot darker grey than I thought they were and look fine, they are also alot more comfy than the half plastic half alacantara ones in the FF
Headlights, the MTEC bulbs I'm running are probably brighter than the FF Xenons anyway!
Climate, well that was a pain in the arse most of the time, it's easier having the old "cold-hot dial" haha.
Most importantly, it still has AC which is an absolute must in my opinion.
All in all, the whole cup thing doesn't bother me one bit!!