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MBP Can't see any networked computers


ClioSport Club Member
This has been ongoing for the last month or so.

It has been a bit intermittent but is now permanent.

I can't see any of my windows computers, my imac pops up in finder occasionally but I can't connect, it just times out then disappears, my xbox can't see the mbp via connect360 either. If I try to connect to my imac by using Go>Connect to server I get the following error - There was a problem connecting to the server "computer name"

The imac can see all the computers except the MBP, my xbox can see the imac, as can aceplayer on the ipad.

So I presume it is a problem with the MBP, I had little snitch enabled but have since disabled this and still have the problem.

Any help/suggestions?

Pretty pissed off with it now.

Forgot to add, it is an early 2011 mbp running lion.
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ClioSport Club Member
my macbook pro has been doing the same since i got lion when it was released as i used to share files over the network and now other computers cant see mine

I would blame lion, as I like to blame lion for all of my issues as I really don't like it but am too lazy to roll back. But, my iMac was running SL and is now running Lion and is fine like I say, must be a different issue.
  Go cry to your momma!
I had the same too, spent a few months trying to resolve it.
In the end, I got rid of my netgear DG834GT and replaced it with a billion 7800n, everything is peachy now. So for me, it was some kind of router issue.

It worked perfectly before Lion though...


ClioSport Club Member
I had the same too, spent a few months trying to resolve it.
In the end, I got rid of my netgear DG834GT and replaced it with a billion 7800n, everything is peachy now. So for me, it was some kind of router issue.

It worked perfectly before Lion though...

I've had a few wireless network issues recently, so it is looking that way now.

It's just so intermittent, my xbox/iPad/iPhone work perfect on wifi. My toughbook laptop, blackberry playbook and MBP have issues. I've also recently had a wireless printer attached that had issues, swapped it for an ethernet one and it works perfect.

I'm using a HH 3 which I do quite like, might try an airport base station instead.
  Tesla MP3 2021
Just check that under "sharing" > "file sharing" > "options" the option for SMB is turned on.
