Did you make the apex?! Nice pic... Prefer spa or the ring?
Yes mate, made the apex just fine, think we only had one corner on that lap where I got the line significantly wrong, as I remember commenting to Ash on one that I had turned in a little soon, it was a really steady lap though, was the first dry lap I had ever done in this car, and we were just crusing around chatting etc, as previous to this trip I have only done 3 laps in about the last 4 years or so wich means im getting a bit rusty, lol, and also those were in porkies clio which is very different handling wise. In fact to show how slow it was I looked on the video and it was IIRC 9:47 (best part of a minute off the pace that car and me could do if really on it, not that I ever would be these days, im a lot more reserved there since my big crash 7 years ago), I will upload it anyway when I do a photo thread though as annoyingly thats actually the only lap I managed to get on film, as between flat batteries, a corrupted SD card and me just being a bit of a numpty with not pressing the correct button I managed to totally avoid getting any other footage, but thankfully the pics we got were good which interests me more anyway as they dont take 10 mins to look at, lol