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Menzerna products

I've had a search but can't find the answer I'm after.

Basically I want to know what menzerna products I need to get rid of the swirls on my iceberg paint. I have a DA so what pads do I need to?

You can't have searched very far as Menzerna appears in most of my threads and posts...

On a Clio, IP3.02 and 85 will finish it down nicely. Only use the Intensive Polish if you really need it.

Pads wise, it's personal preferance. The 3M yellow and blue pads would be my choice. Failing that, the Lake County pads, although their shelf life is very short in comparison.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
This will help with the new labelling



Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I'd buy 1 polish like 203's or 106fa long before worrying about the polish making swirls dissapear. I know some people who can correct better using a finishing polish than I can with fast cut. Technique is key mate, so you're better practicing first.

The key is to remove the least amount of clearcoat whilst correcting the paint. That's why most decent detailers start with the lightest pad/polish combo and work the way up.
Thanks for the info guys, I think it's the new labelling that's confused me with my searches.
so I'll order PF2500 and UF5000 and I'll start with the 5000 with the softest pad and work up from there cheers guys
  C3 Picasso Beast
I bought the i4 Menzerna DAS-6 package way back in March and have only really looked at it properly today! After reading the bottle and looking on i4's website I'm a bit concerned that the PF2500 I got with the kit will be too coarse as it talks about sanding marks rather than swirling?!? Am I fine to use or should I invest in something less harsh??



Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
There are 2 mate. Look on the bottom of the bottle and let me know what it says.

What paint you using it on?
  C3 Picasso Beast
It's the PO203S one that you talked about on your previous post. My concern is that having had my car detailed by Jim White last year and not really washing it much since is the polish too much??


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
203's is fine mate. Just don't use too harsh a pad.

I'd personally use 106fa or a finishing polish but 203's is fine mate.
  C3 Picasso Beast
Thanks for clearing that up :)

With the polish I'm going to be using the Merzerna pads that came with the DAS so I should keep to the yellow or possibly the orange pad then??
