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Misco/Netgear offer

  HyperAlloy Combat Chassis
Just bought a 24 port netgear switch for work from misco (£115). They have a promotion on where you get a free network attached storage device with that switch. The freebie costs £70 to buy on it's own. Faxed the invoice off on Friday to claim it and it arrived today! Looks nice, a bit like a small toaster. Think I'll use it to store movies. Hmmm might need to upgrade all the old hubs in work......
I've got the netgear storage unit, put 2x 200gb disk in to act as a place to share movies and MP3's in our shared house. Bad news is, you have to install netgear software to get the PC to recognise it. Otherwise it will not show up. This means it cant be used by anything other than a pc (i was hoping to stream movies and music onto my chipped xbox) It's a good device, but there are other network attached storage units out there that just plug and play as it were.
