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mk1 172 seats

  Golf R/Leon FR
the leg bolster on my drivers side seat needs re-padding and the padding is all gone and is very uncmfortable

does anyone know where i can get this done and how much it'll cost or if i can do it my self??

  Chocolate Bar™
Pm giles (clio_GB) he restitched some 172 seats, alternativly pm gibson and boyne, and i'm sure they're be able to help/give advice
  Clio 197
ah you need botton pad and get them from scrapyard of from any sport clio. It got to be 16v, S, Si or RSi with sport seats. Other way to do it is cut some bits out of the new pad and put it on the 172 seat where the hole are with some strong black tape to hole on.

hope you understand what I mean :)
  Mégane RS
nice guide Giles, done this myself the other day, bottom parts easy to get off, top part is a little more tricky
