Hi Viceroy
Yes, Id be interested in the other figures. What % of weight on front wheels do you use for the 172? I opted for 60%.
Ill take my gear ratios for the 172, because they are off a Renault C of C so they will be 100% correct. They are pretty similar anyway.
Interestingly (and for the first time in cartest which usually shows cars as slower than they are) the 0-60 for the 172 comes out quicker than it should be. I got it as 0-60 in 6.6 and 0-100 in 18.4, 1/4 mile in 15.3 and Top speed of 134mph. Figures arent that bad but are a little on the quick side. Plus I well overdid the weight. I used the highest kerb weight Id ever seen for the 172 which is 1085kg and added 75kg for the driver. Every bit of official documentation lists the weight as 1035kg. Therefore I took it that with the heavier weight, it would allow for a bit of fuel.
Its funny because the 172 never feels quick to me when driving - its only when you look at the speedo and see what you are overtaking that you realise how quick it is. I breezed past an MG ZR today that was really trying, and the Clio once again didnt feel strained at all. And I only took it to 5800 - not even max power point (still trying to be a bit gentle because its new!)