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MK2 Alarm sensors

  Titanium 255 V6
Hi all,

Just bought myself a 255 V6 and am over the moon but have discovered a teething problem, the alarm keeps going off due to the internal sensors. I have read that by swapping two wires around I can desensitise the alarm from 80% to 20% and just wondered whether anyone knew how to do this please?? Could take it to the delear as its still under warranty but would rather sort it myself...

Many Thanks

Oh and a quick pic of my new Vee!
  Titanium 255 V6
Thanks but really don't trust stealers to take as much care would much prefer to do it myself can anyone please point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appeciated?

Many thanks
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Have a look for two plugs about 5mm x 20mm (IIRC - they're rectangular anyway) one is red one is white. Disconnect them and swap them.

If you're lucky they may be visible up at the back of the glovebox. If not, next place to look is under the cupholders. The wiring for the alarm comes through a rubber grommet, or depending on the fitter, a hole drilled nearby. Try following it to find the plugs.

Failing that, it's time to look under the top of the dash. Disconnect the battery to avoid airbag disasters - make sure you have your radio code first. Dash top is held on by 5 screws under the silver trim panels which just pull off. Pull out the mirror interior trims. Pull off the A pillar trims either side, the stickiest clip is the one at the top, fairly easy to get off. Take off the upper trim on the steering column. Undo two screws under the instruments. Three screws in the dash vents at the very front - take care not to drop them into the vents. Then there is a plastic plug either side of the dash which you need to open the doors to get at. Undo those. Pull the dashtop towards you - controlled force, it'll wiggle free. Remove the dash top from the passenger side. The plugs may be under the passenger airbag. At worst you will have exposed the wires for the sensors and should be able to find the plugs by following them.

This is based on experience from a 172 2 but the dash top is the same and the alarm fitters are likely to have used the same method on the V6. The alarm is also different but still a Cobra using similar ultrasonic sensors.

Frankly as it's so new I'd still go to the dealer, but hope that helps.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
To the best of my knowledge the V6 is fitted with the Cobra 5409 ultrasonic unit.
Swapping the wires will cause it to malfunction.

There is a small adjuster on the unit to enable you to set the sensitivity.

  Titanium 255 V6
Ahhh interesting thanks for this do you know where abouts this module is located please? (let me guess probably in one of the hardest to reach areas known to man....)

Many thanks
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Well the one shown came out of our 172. It was located, with the alarm module, under the passenger airbag.

I took the whole Cobra system out and replaced it with a Clifford one with glass break detector, microwave and tilt sensor, it works faultlessly.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Well that's even better - a sensible way to adjust them!

Hope you can find the unit somewhere sensible too. At least if you need to you can look under the dash. Hope Brian can suggest where to look, apologies for misleading assumption in the earlier post.

Knowing Renault bet it's under the engine or inside the tyre or something equally user friendly!;)
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Brian am I correct in thinking the reason for the wire swapping (where there is no sensor adjustment nor ultrasonic "unit" as such) is swapping over the transmit and receive? Is this how they work or do both detect?
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
The plot thickens - had a chat with a mate who used to fit alarms and he thinks he's done V6s with one having an 8 series Cobra and the other a 7 series. One had just plugs and one had a sensor box attached under the UCH by velcro, by the bonnet release handle.

Edit: He used less than complimentary language to describe the Cobra alarms and recommended getting a Clifford.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
I don't really understand the logic behind the fitting of these alarms.

I know they are fitted at Southampton by a contractor who judging by the thought they have put into the positioning of the components, is a small ape.

It would appear the 172 components are all under the airbag, I have replaced 3x172 cars systems so far but not had any experience of the 182 yet.

Its possible from what i have read on here, that the 182 and maybe some late 172,s have a different type of Cobra alarm module, and the u/s control box is fitted behind the heater controls.

It also seems from reading the Renault w/s manual, there is this option of changing the sensitivity by swapping the tx & rx plugs over, but I cant confirm that from hands on experience..

By the way, if you are going to pull the dash out, you can tip the airbag sideways and upside down to give you space to work,without disconnecting it, having first removed the 6 bolts holding it in.

As you do have to pull the whole 172 dash and airbag out to get the modules, its worth repositioning the u/s control box somewhere that enables you to adjust it without that hassle every time. There is sufficient cable to do this.

Edit, just read your last.....Totally agree with your mate....worse installations I have ever seen.
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  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Seems they changed what they fitted at some point, mine's 02 172 and has no separate ultrasonic module, the sensors have wires leading directly to the siren which have red and white plugs in the cabin. These lead directly to the sensors themselves. Using moderate language, why the (insert expletive) do some cars have the luxury of simple screw adjustment and others not? Why are the alarm sirens not waterproofed? And why, straight out of the box, are so many oversensitive and others not?

When mine was in at Renault it took the "alarm expert" 7 hours to find all the wiring, and he was only working from a basic installation manual. No in depth wiring diagrams, nothing. And he didn't seem to have a clue how it worked.

I'm guessing, but I suppose if the alarm microphones are different resistances, this would explain the lowered sensitivity by swapping them.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Its absolutely attrocious....

What alerted me the the problem with our car, was a series of random faults that showed up variously as siren blips and hazards staying on or coming on while the car was being driven.

I decided that it had to come out but eventually traced the fault to water in the siren module under the scuttle panel.

Being a Thatcham device the spec. says it has to be battery backed up, so some of the circuits to prevent tampering are in the siren.
The joke of a splash guard they fit to the wiper motor assembly is so brittle it just falls apart and water running down the screen eventually gets into the siren.

There was 2 meters of unnecessary loom, simply bundled up and cable tied to the wiper motor assembly, under there as well.

The worse thing was the hole they punch (note I did not say DRILL) through the bulkhead, which emerges just behind the pax airbag. No grommet, just a bit of dum dum and a water leak.

About 4 inches from this hole, is the main vehicle wiring grommet, which is easily accessed and can be just as easily sealed after passing additional wires through it.

The only good news was most of the connections under the airbag were usable when installing the Clifford unit and as I had the dash out, I added the extra two Clifford immobiliser circuits to back up the cars own immobiliser.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
UCH....its the control module that works most of the secondary electrical systems on the car.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
I knew what it was but wondered what UCH stood for.

Unite de Control Habitacle!

Or in English, cockpit control unit.

Under the dash, by the bonnet release, black rectangular box.
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
I knew what it was but wondered what UCH stood for.

Unite de Control Habitacle!

Or in English, c**kpit control unit.

Under the dash, by the bonnet release, black rectangular box.

Or, University College Hospital ?? ;)
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Heres one for you, GAL ?

Oh, and a clue.....Clios have it....
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  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Excellent cheers Gents!

Yeah, please let us know whether you do any dismantling if you have a go, and which ultrasonic connection you find!

I'm intrigued.

And borderline brow sweating trying to dig up the German I never paid much attention to at school. Lautstarke must be loud strong or loud strength.

Oh, lovely car by the way!
  Titanium 255 V6
Excellent cheers Gents!

Have you fixed it ?????????

No won't have a chance for the next two weeks or so.... but once I do you can be rest assured I'll report my findings here.

Just out of interest was the picture of the alarm control module from a 172 or a 182 and is that the same module you believe I have in my Vee?

Cheers all
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Have you fixed it ?????????

No won't have a chance for the next two weeks or so.... but once I do you can be rest assured I'll report my findings here.

Just out of interest was the picture of the alarm control module from a 172 or a 182 and is that the same module you believe I have in my Vee?

Cheers all

From a 172. which has a lot of the same bits at the front.

What's the matter with you, its only 7 screws, could have done that in your lunch hour..... :lolup:
