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Mobile phone choice...

HTC Diamond 2 or new Iphone?

Both are due out this summer and I am able to upgrade any time from late May onwards.

Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on the above two? I'm inclined to go for the HTC D 2, assuming O2 release it on their pay monthly network (I have been with O2 for years and have no intention of changing) but having seen my little brother's Iphone, I'm also swayed by that.

As I say, your thoughts would be good.

  Clio1.2 16v & LR Defender
iPhone is one of a kind, nothing can compare with its usage and the amount of things that can go on it. e.g. Apps, usage with iTunes and have all your music on it is so easy.

Go for iPhone, everything else is a minority.
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16g iPhone in white, DONE.

Problem is that the new Iphone comes out in the summer, apparently. Anyone know whether it's worth waiting for it?

I'm starting to wonder, from what I read, if the Iphone isn't good at everything, other than actually being a phone.

Also, the HTC Diamond 2 has excellent reviews compared to the current Iphone.

Also, on O2 a 16 gb white Iphone is still £35 a month, plus £60 for the actual phone only 600 mins and 500 texts (albeit that is what I'm on at the moment) and a 24 month contract!! Basically they would be committing me to spending £900 with them and I thought an 18 month contract was bad enough.
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But wait for the new one. It will be announced early June and probably released early July.

Nobody knows what it will have but I'd wait. Even if its not that much of an improvement, it will mean the 3G is cheaper..
Wait for the iPhone imo, thats what im doing. Contact ends in July so should be just in time
Just seen that there are apps coming out that work as fitness measures and heart rate monitors... That might be useful for summer training for the Great South Run :)

Looks like waiting for the Iphone it is then.
There is no solid proof that the hardware is changing at all.

I can't see a massively redesigned iPhone being released as for a start the screen can't be made smaller because of all the apps written for it.
Maybe something like a cheaper cut down "lite" version.

Software upgrade only imo, no money in Hardware any more hence why Nokia/Sony etc announced recent losses in this area.
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  BMW M4; S1000 RR
Most other companies are trying to copy Apple at the moment.

Girl I met last night had some LG pos and it was basically a clunky iPhone, had the same sort of layout, same picture navigation etc but it just didn't work properly.

The iPhone is a seriously slick piece of hardware and it's going to take some work to beat it. Only reason you'd get a HTC anything is for business (excel+word use).
no copy and paste on the iphone

There is if it's jailbroken. Mine has copy & paste and it works superbly. I think the app I have is called 'Clippy'. It even looks and works like something that would be OEM apple. Granted, the iPhone does lack some basic features out of the box, but jailbroken, they become incredibly versatile machines :)

Copy & paste is being added to the official OS in 3.0.
  Clio 182FF
iPhone all the way. They're always working on updates, even once released. If there is going to be a new model it will be even better than the current one which is already superb.

As Roy Munson said, copy and paste is being added as well as 'push' which opens it up to even more. Not contest tbh - iPhone.
So is the answer not to bother waiting for the new Iphone then?

Sounds like I should just get a white 16gb version and then jailbreak it to version 3?
I would wait. I have the original iPhone, and I'm leaving T-mobile soon for o2. Personally I'm waiting for the new handset - it won't be worse than the existing one. iPhone OS 3.0 will work on any handset though, so you won't go far wrong TBH :)
Looks like I'll be waiting until July then. Hope it's worth the wait... (and hope O2 do me a reasonable deal on it too).
  05 Plate MG ZR 105 Trophy
There is no solid proof that the hardware is changing at all.

I can't see a massively redesigned iPhone being released as for a start the screen can't be made smaller because of all the apps written for it.
Maybe something like a cheaper cut down "lite" version.

Software upgrade only imo, no money in Hardware any more hence why Nokia/Sony etc announced recent losses in this area.

TBH I agree, the new Iphone with just be made that little bit thinner, abit more rounded at the edges & and maybe an increase in internal memory 32gb or 64gb (hoping). There's no way they could do anything that would change it too much as atm the Iphone is pretty good at most things. Hard to perfect near perfection imho!.
Looks like I'll be waiting until July then. Hope it's worth the wait... (and hope O2 do me a reasonable deal on it too).

If O2 do what they did last year get one now, you'll get a preferential upgrade when the new iphone is out (subject to another 18 mth contract). You then flog existing 3G iphone on ebay for £££.
  Clio1.2 16v & LR Defender
I'd love an iphone, but the battery life would be a major no for me.

Battery life isent a problem for mine (3G) lasts 12 hours at least of playing music,

over a week on standy and around 4 hours+ on videos.

All in all not bad battery as long as u dont f**k up the first charge as many do.
I generally charge mine every other night or 3rd night. Unused, the standby will last several days. More than a week. Heavy use could easily see it needing a charge every night. I've never found the battery life restrictive, personally. Pop it in the dock overnight and you're good to go.
Please could you enlighten me as to what your method is in regards to the first charge.

I am on the third 3G iphone and admittedly, the battery is better on the latest one, however, that is most likely to do with the firmware, brightness turned down, no 3G and vibrating when call/text turned off.

Please elaborate.

Battery life isent a problem for mine (3G) lasts 12 hours at least of playing music,

over a week on standy and around 4 hours+ on videos.

All in all not bad battery as long as u dont f**k up the first charge as many do.
The more I read about it, the more I think I'm better off waiting for the new one.

I have a bluetooth car phone connection and so I need a properly working bluetooth phone.

Also, the temptation may be to flog it if I don't like the phone and the new one will Egay for more :)


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Good point mr merc.

So no mms on the iPhone? Are you serious?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Sorry but LOL @ f**king up the first charge.

1 month and all the issues will be addressed, iPhone is a no brainer now.
In one month i imagine it will be the law to own one.
The more I read about it, the more I think I'm better off waiting for the new one.

I have a bluetooth car phone connection and so I need a properly working bluetooth phone.

Also, the temptation may be to flog it if I don't like the phone and the new one will Egay for more :)

Bluetooth for handsfree etc works straight out of the box atm.

Good point mr merc.

So no mms on the iPhone? Are you serious?

MMS is do-able now. But it will be standard with 3.0


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Cheers Revels crazy idea to bring it out in the first place without it tbh.
It's a big part of texting now, plenty of banter to be had.
You're entitled to your opinion. You just have to accept that it's wrong.

Roffle at brainwashed. Brainwashed by what? An awesome handset?

Oh, and it's 'iPhone' </revels>
Depends what you want from a phone. But if music and the internet are your thing then the iPhone is impossible to beat.
Still not chosen tbh :(

Conflicting stories in this thread - some say wait for the new Iphone, others say just get one now and jailbreak it.

Part of me is tempted to wait until June as if I don't like it, then I can sell the new one for £400 or so and if I do like it then at least I have a decent phone for 18 months.
  Mini Cooper S sport
Brain washed Iphone lovers - I HATE THE IPHONE!

There, I am in the minority but I dont care!

Don't you worry, I agree with you!

WAY overrated, simply a product of good marketing like every other Apple product.

Anyway I'll shush, don't want to start a row, I accept lots of people love them. They're the phone equivalent of Turinis and silvervisions on CS.
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
Don't you worry, I agree with you!

WAY overrated, simply a product of good marketing like every other Apple product.

Anyway I'll shush, don't want to start a row, I accept lots of people love them. They're the phone equivalent of Turinis and silvervisions on CS.

Another person who has never actually used one and likes to go against the grain just to be different?

I've played with most of the latest of phones, i spent an hour and a half in the O2 shop the other day playing on all the phones on show (pretty much every new phone out including the HTC magic that the salesman had got in as a demo phone), yes you may call me sad for spending that long in there but my girlfriend was after a new phone :p.

No other phone is so easy and user friendly to use, as slick in the way it works or has so much more available for it. Its missing a few minor things, none of which are phonebreaking for the vast majority of people and nearly all of them will be sorted with the release of 3.0.

Poor camera? pssh, its a phone not a camera and the camera is good enough for a phone, if you want 10 megapixel cameras then buy a bloody digital camera not a phone. Battery life is perfectly suitable, providing its not fubared it will last all day even with extensive use.

I would most definately wait until July, think of it this way, if you get the older 1 now, then your gonna have all the fags with their new iphone showing it off and you'll be thinking, i could of been 1 of those fags, but i'm not.

You know you want to be 1 of those fags, i know i do.
  tiTTy & SV650
the iphone is very good but far too expensive. I just got a SE T700i it's nice and small no gimmocks
