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Mobile Phone Opinions please...

  Clio 197
Nokia 6230i


Motorola V3i


Sonyericsson K750i

I've got the option of the above phones... not sure which to take.

I just want a portable, practical bluetooth handset... camera and music don't bother me really...

(ps is there anything else in that price range that I've missed out?).


ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355
Out of those you cant really go wrong with the K750 i'd say.

A portable, practical blootooth handset, with all the extra toys like camera and music should you ever want to use them.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
omar said:
Sonyericsson K750i

I've got the option of the above phones... not sure which to take.

I just want a portable, practical bluetooth handset... camera and music don't bother me really...

(ps is there anything else in that price range that I've missed out?).

i cant see any other phones? what are we comparing?
omar said:
Nokia 6230i


Motorola V3i


Sonyericsson K750i

I've got the option of the above phones... not sure which to take.

I just want a portable, practical bluetooth handset... camera and music don't bother me really...

(ps is there anything else in that price range that I've missed out?).

samsung d600 ok , try nokia high range handset , cant recall mod no.s but n70 or n90 ring a bell , they r good
  Clio 197
Tom said:
i cant see any other phones? what are we comparing?

Tom, you're using that opera thingy aren't you?! I'm comparing Nokia 6230i, Motorola V3i, Sonyericsson K750i.

Or actually, anything in that price range.



ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
omar said:
Tom, you're using that opera thingy aren't you?! I'm comparing Nokia 6230i, Motorola V3i, Sonyericsson K750i.

Or actually, anything in that price range.


lol it was a joke, where i cleverly omitted the two phones not worth having and made it bigger...:rolleyes:
  Mégane RS
if you are getting a K750i you may as well go for the W800 as its the same phone but better lol
  Clio 197

I can't stand the colour... even if it does come with 500mb ram!

Hmm... it looks like the V3i then.

I'm not really into MP3, Camera and all that. I just want a phone I can use to make/receive calls... that won't let me down (fingers crossed).

I've had two 6230i's in three weeks now - first one had a faulty screen... this one has trouble powering-on sometimes.

I'm taking it back tomorrow... fingers-crossed with the moto!


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Please ask to see the phone operating first.

Menu system is rubbish.
  Clio 197

Gawd... there's never any point in buying anything - there's always something newer just round the corner.

I'll have a play with the V3i in the shop today... I've already played with the K750i and 6230.

Not seen the D600 yet...
  tiTTy & SV650
V3 looks cool but is SHIGHT

software sucks ass, flexi circuit isnt the most durable, dont do it!!!
k750i is total shite mines been sent away 4 times in 5 months with different things goin wrong, i totally hate it altho it is a great phone when it works
  Clio 197
Seems there's devided opinions on all of them.

I've had two 6230's in two weeks, both faulty (different faults).

I had a T610 - and the fact that it was so so so slow doing everything put me off getting a SE again (tho the K750 has had some great feedback)

I've just picked up the V3i... It's absolutely jammed with features... there's far far more in it than people think (even the guys in the mobile shop undersold it IMO).

Suppose feedback from the original V3 led to the updates on this one...

So far so good.
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