You've pissed me off now so i'm going to explain why your idea is so monumentally idiotic.
I pay £xxxx a year to insure my (legitimate!!) car sales business.
I am insured to carry up to £150,000 worth of stock, I have 4 drivers on the policy. No names but I can employ 4 people to drive for me and they are covered. myself my partner and our wives are all covered for personal use. This is an extra. 'Trade' use stops at 6pm unless you've got very good reason to be doing otherwise. Did you think of that?
Everytime I/we get pulled, which is a lot because none of the cars show up on the MID, we have to go through a lot of aggro to prove that we are legit.
When one of my drivers crashed my transit van up in leeds, I had a full on police enquiry which was all part of the investigation. I had to prove that the van was there for trade purposes, I had to provide a bank statement showing i'd paid for the van, I had to show an invoice where I purchased the van from and I also had to print off emails from the Ford dealer I had literally just bought the van from because the police didn't believe why I was in Leeds and thought my driver was on personal business not trade business.
Had I had a normal persons insurance policy this would have been dealt with in days. She had the accident in january and its still going on now.
SO yes, I do have trade insurance and yes it is cheap for the level of cover I get (I can drive any car to the value of £50,000 fully comprehensively) but when people think they can set up a mickey company just to get trade insurance it winds me right up.
Also, I have to provide every 6 months, a letter from the DVLA to my insurance company to say that I have paid for my trade plates. The insurance company want to make sure that I am legal and above board.
So yeah, I'm a bellend.