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Moving on from a Renaultsport

2 years ago I bought myself a BG 182. These are a rare sight in Ireland so there wasn't much choice. If i remember correctly only 3 1*2s were for sale over the 5 month period I was looking for one.
Luckily I found one in decent condition not too far from me so i snapped it up.

Its been such a great little motor. Genuinely attached to it unlike any car I have had before.


I got the wheel re trimmed by Snappy and a few interior parts repainted to get it back to looking as i thought it should have from the factory.


Kept it serviced regularly and gave it a few small upgrades, 98 ron map, induction kit, brembos from G172 etc


For the past year though ive been thinking of what I would replace it with. I was looking for something a bit bigger but still special and fun.
For a long time I had it in my head to get a focus RS mk1. I researched them, joined the various clubs and went to a few Ford shows to get a better look as I had never seen one up close.


But looking at the maintenance they might require (they are after all over 10 years old) and finding the right one at a decent price slowly began to throw me off them. To me it seems like a weekend toy rather than something I would enjoy using every day.

So the next logical step was to look for a mk2 RS.


LOVE the noise these make and their road presence. Had a long hard think about buying one but it came down to our Irish tax scheme which put me off. I could end up paying 8K on import tax on top of the 20K these are at the moment.
Too much of a gamble so I decided to move on to something else.

I decided that a 250 Megane was the one for me. I had my heart set on Recaros and Cup chasis with lowish miles if possible.
There were none for sale in Ireland and are quite exclusive here. According to a Renault garage I was talking to they were never "officially" sold here only special orders.

I did the usual pistonhead search but after a few weeks a member on said that he knew someone who might be interested in selling his. I fired off an email and he came back to me saying that he had a 2011 Megane 265 in LY which wasn't yet advertised anywhere. A few photos later i decided that it looked good enough to fly over to view it.

This is where i got very lucky. The seller was the most accommodating person ever.
He picked me up from the airport, brought me karting, brought for a meal after then for a game of pool with a few pints. He also let me stay at his house for the night rather than paying for a hotel.

ON TOP of all of that he invited me on a trip to Le Mans when hes heading with his mates next year :D

I asked him what he would be going in. He showed me what he had hiding in his garage:


So after cracking day out I brought this home to meet the Clio..


I am delighted with it so far. Pulls really well. Comfortable seats and really nice seating position. I love the colour too :eek:

I didn't expect it to get so much attention as it does. People staring at it wherever ive gone which im not used to at all.


So im glad ive stuck with Renault and would recommend a 250/ 265 to anyone who was tempted. Ill post up a more detailed comparison of the two if anyones is interested as they do feel quite different from one another.
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
Nice write up. As awesome as the focus RS is to get a meg 265 is a great choice

Looks fantastic
  LY 200 EDC LUX
You made the right choice steering clear of the Mk1 RS (IMO). Absolutely horrid car, with a horrid diff, horrid (and borderline ridiculous) torque steer and a seating position that is absurdly high! Oh, and don't forget the thin, stone-chip attracting paint too!!

love the megane though! I'd have DEFINATELY asked for a spin in the Mclaren too ;-)


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
I'd love any of the cars mentioned in this thread! Enjoyed reading your story though so thanks for posting! Guy you bought it off sounds like a diamond... as long as he's not a stalker lol. Not sure if I've ever seen a 265 in LY, looks great though.
Nice write up. As awesome as the focus RS is to get a meg 265 is a great choice

Looks fantastic

Cheers mate. Still have a soft spot for the RS though. Especially the noise.

You made the right choice steering clear of the Mk1 RS (IMO). Absolutely horrid car, with a horrid diff, horrid (and borderline ridiculous) torque steer and a seating position that is absurdly high! Oh, and don't forget the thin, stone-chip attracting paint too!!

love the megane though! I'd have DEFINATELY asked for a spin in the Mclaren too ;-)

Unfortunately it was raining otherwise he would have brought me out :(

It was in this super car meet earlier on this year

I'd love any of the cars mentioned in this thread! Enjoyed reading your story though so thanks for posting! Guy you bought it off sounds like a diamond... as long as he's not a stalker lol. Not sure if I've ever seen a 265 in LY, looks great though.

Glad you liked it :approve:.

Funny you should say that when i told my missus about it she said ... "you didnt get bummed did you"
  LY 200 EDC LUX
Forgot to mention earlier mate,

its probably just the angle / light of the photos, but it looks like the flat yellow to me, not LY?


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Wheels look so much better all black! Still don't really like the design though. The red bit actually doesn't look too bad, either.
The wheels are a bit mental looking. I think if the car was a different colour I'd prefer the 18inch wheel design.

Have to sort out somewhere to get the recaro bolster repaired soon. Has anyone got theirs retrimmed in leather?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
What a great story! Did he buy it as a little toy? The 265 was lorded over by journalists, Evo etc, so understandable that rich people would be attracted to it as a daily, fun car.

I love it. The Megane RS has grown on me so much over the years.
Yeah i suppose It was like his daily toy car. He is part of a race team which ran the megane trophy for a while which Im sure had some influence on him buying the 265...

