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MPG is this cold Weather - Whats yours?


ClioSport Moderator
Just wondering what MPG is getting with all this cold weather.

Topped up last night, drove around 50-60 miles, and looked at the MPG.

77.3MPG was my average at -12.
72.9MPG at -8

Peach of weather for the diesel.

What are you lot getting?
Just wondering what MPG is getting with all this cold weather.

Topped up last night, drove around 50-60 miles, and looked at the MPG.

77.3MPG was my average at -12.
72.9MPG at -8

Peach of weather for the diesel.

What are you lot getting?

Surely the colder it is the worse the mpg? Colder denser air = more fuel?
  172 cup
absolutely rubbish as the cold weather means leaving car running for a bit to melt thick ice etc
  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
My car doesn't warm up at all if I leave it. Got to scrape and drive straight away to get any sort of warm air.


  A thirsty 172
My car's MPG'o'meter doesn't work anymore, but I've worked it out anyway.
I zero'd my trip computer when I filled up before Christmas and I'd done 225 miles by the time I filled up again on Monday. I put 39.3 litres of Tesco 99 in it, so that works out at about 26mpg. Not bad at all really. I probably get fewer MPG when the weather is decent because I can put my foot down, whereas in the snow I can't.
  Polo + Micra
not moved my car in the snow as it is pretty much undrivable in this weather

but it would probably be around the 17mpg mark lol
  182 Trophy
as said, cold weatherusualy makes diesels much worse, petrels also suffer but not as much.


  RB 182 Cup
Saxo is giving 37mpg
TVR is giving 14mpg
TVRs are intimidating at the best of times I'd imagine, what's it like on snow/ice (if you have any where you are)?

I'm getting around 28ish in mine, though it hardly gets driven at the moment.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
i've been getting 12mpg just round the doors, normally it's about 34mpg
  DCi 100
No idea, but the car did something silly like 34 miles to a quarter of a tank, so 140 ish miles to a tank is not good! :eek::dapprove:

Restart the car sometimes though and it's only used an 8th of a tank, 272, is still not great.

Hasn't moved since tuesday morning anyways.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
TVRs are intimidating at the best of times I'd imagine, what's it like on snow/ice (if you have any where you are)?

I'm getting around 28ish in mine, though it hardly gets driven at the moment.

Its not that bad. You just have to remember you have no t/c or abs and most people around you can't drive...

The saxo has had 2 flat tyres for the last 2 weeks so i've used the TVR through the worst of our snow (we currently have 6inch here) and its been fine. The front does act like a snow plough a bit though and it run roughly due to not having a cold start function.
  Now Sold :-(
Technically 0mpg as i've only turned it over and not driven it since xmas eve.
Getting a fraction under 40mpg from the S-Max at -4
  Tangoed Works
what does minus 10 feel like? Coldest I have seen is -1.5 on my thermometer. They were saying -6 for London but not felt it. Mpg is around 28-30. Usually 31-32 mpg.
  Mondeo TXS Bardge.
i'm not doing too bad, over 300 miles i'm averaging 46.5 mpg, but that a mix of bearly passible streets, getting stuck twice aday in the only place i can put my car at work, motorway, slushy slidy crap and running the engine while defrosting.

my mpg has improved since my new tyres, previous to this i was only getting 41, but i thik that was because i was spinning up so much.
