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Mud flaps on my Clio what you think?

  Clio 200 Silverstone
Someone said not to put mud flaps on my Clio but I have and I think it goes pretty well atm, tell me what you guys think, I also have some temporary running lights stuck into the grill. 2012-03-17_16-10-56_648.jpg View attachment 2012-03-16210345.jpg


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  Arctic Blue FF 182
Not a fan of either I'm afraid! Flaps I could let go, but really not a fan of the lights. Sorry

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
hmmmm, its one of those

you either like it or you dont. personally i dont think it looks to bad but it could look better without the white writing on them

as for the DRL's, clio's dont pull them off very well. best left to audi or volvo
  Golf 7.5R & Clio 200
I actually quite like Mudflaps, I think all cars should have some form of mud flap/ guard. I hate getting stones etc hit me..

I don't like the eBay ones made from crappy vynil though, classy ones can look good. Not overly keen on those I must admit, but all to their own.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
I actually quite like Mudflaps, I think all cars should have some form of mud flap/ guard. I hate getting stones etc hit me..

I don't like the eBay ones made from crappy vynil though, classy ones can look good. Not overly keen on those I must admit, but all to their own.

you mean the fart little plastic ones that renualt can put on if ordered? which dont do naff all lol
  Clio 200 Silverstone
I wasn't particularly keen on getting the DLR's myself to be honest and will probably take them off once I get a new set of lights fitted. As for the mud flaps, There getting kept. Maybe changed for different ones but mud flaps are staying :D
  Disastra Coupe
Because rally car?

EDIT: Feel slightly harsh... If you're happy fair enough. But if anyone tried to fit them to my car i'd slap them. Hard.
  Clio 200 Silverstone
Because rally car?

EDIT: Feel slightly harsh... If you're happy fair enough. But if anyone tried to fit them to my car i'd slap them. Hard.

No but there is enough dirt track roads and dusty trails that when your done the car will look like one haha
Mud flaps on Clios look hero spec.

But only when said clio has a S1600 engine, sequential box, FIA cage and spends it's weekends wheelspinning along muddy british forests. On a road car it looks too out of place. It looks as out of place as any form of [I'm not actually] sponsered stickers e.g. monster, eibach etc

DLRs don't work when:

1) They're a different colour to the headlights
2) They're anywhere except on the outer edge of the car by all the other lights
3) When the car doesn't have a premium AND modern look.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Mud flaps on Clios look hero spec.

But only when said clio has a S1600 engine, sequential box, FIA cage and spends it's weekends wheelspinning along muddy british forests. On a road car it looks too out of place. It looks as out of place as any form of [I'm not actually] sponsered stickers e.g. monster, eibach etc

DLRs don't work when:

1) They're a different colour to the headlights
2) They're anywhere except on the outer edge of the car by all the other lights
3) When the car doesn't have a premium AND modern look.

You don't have to have a S1600 to rally. As gtrnav would tell you ;) I agree that flaps are only good for rally cars though. If those were all black, they might work. But they're not, so they don't.

DRLs GTFO in my opinion, I know some people like them but people also like extreme ironing. DRLs look daft, whatever they're fitted to.
  Renault Clio RS182
Personally, i'm not a fan of any DRLs, not even on Audis etc i think they look tacky :S Mudflaps don't look that bad especially if you're going for abit of a rally look, i've seen far worse, such as the huge square sparco ones fitted to various chavmobiles over the years :banghead:
