thank you for the insult, no need to say anymore... you know it all
sometimes the problem with forums though are that everyone thinks they know it all, so people who do get lost amongst the people that think they do.
I had it at work today, a group were calling me an idiot to say that someone had made a true 1080p screen for under 5k and it was impossible that it was a Goodmans. They think they know it all, when simply, they don't.
I get annoyed by people saying things on forums or answering questions when they don't know what they are talking about, it is unfair on the person asking the question, they assume that as you are answering them you are right.
I am not saying you don't know what you are talking about, far from it as i don't know your knowledge but thats what happens all to often on forums and its difficult to know who is worth listening too.
If I was serious about asking advice on anything AV related, I would probably do what McBunny did and find out on the avforums and not rely on the people on here as we are a car forum and our expertise in the clio, but there will always be more knowledgable people on the avforums website and hopefully the right people will help you.
All this HD stuff is causing a lot of confusion amongst people as there is so much mis-information out there, and as things are changing so quickly it is all too easy to be referencing an article on the web that was actually written before something changed making it out of date but people perceive that because it is published on the internet it is current and correct.
Again, I am in no means pointing anything at you, just simply using your post as a start to mine.