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my 182

  liquidized RacingBlue 182
as u can see ma black clio had slightly blacked out windows.... got stopped by traffic police and the measured the light and came out at 4.6%, so as u can imagine i had 24 hours to take them of or i was in trouble haha
  BMW M3
Hi Craig, Ha I was behind you the other day :) Strangely enough I used to go to the IBS at the Nunnery so thats how I realised.

Nice bit of kit bud, I think you have the only one over here with the stripes?

  liquidized RacingBlue 182
haha, ive seen worst plates i like them but, im changing them over sooon so gonna make them alot smaller and hopefully gettin me a 182 plate

im from scotland, but i live on the isle of man,

here is some other pics of ma beloved car gettin ma tripple air horn fitted, i no not everyones cup of tea but the horn 182's come with is really pathetic!!

my nice clean engine bay........

another shot of the car...

hope u like..
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ClioSport Club Member
mad_craig said:
what ya mean by 182 is a £60 on the spot fine if you get stopped..???

illegal plates

my mate got £60 fine for the exact same plates as my old ones (thats why i changed)


Plus technically it shouldnt pass an MOT with them but my mates did, i didnt have mine on for an MOT

i miss my old ones still want to put them back on all the time!
  liquidized RacingBlue 182
i dont have to do an MOT for another 2 years so im cool, dunno if u can make out but at bottom under ma plates it has clio sport cup 182, i like them but as i said im gonna get smaller ones made, where in scotland u from?
  BMW M3
I dont think the police here on the IOM are quite as strict. I got a ticket once asking me to change the look of my TMN 172 plate as it had double lines but I never did. We don't have speed cameras so they dont have to worry as much about picking up digits and so forth.
  liquidized RacingBlue 182
what do u drive tj? see if i reco u? post a pic, but yeh i was asked once but i didnt change ma plates either, the police on iom are pretty cool, well one or two!
  BMW M3
I drive a light blue 182, I was behind you around 5pm last week at some point.

Ill chuck up a pic this affy.
  liquidized RacingBlue 182
yeh yeh i member u, ures is just a 182 not a cup yeh?? u had some girl in the car with ya!, noce car mate! we are a rare breed on the isle of man with 182's:p think there is 3 in racing blue :) witch is goood stand out from crowd!
  BMW M3
If it was a brunette she is my ex (who is insured on the baby) She scuuffed the wheels once very bad - I was not happY! haha.

In the last car she managed to crack my windscreen too but I wont go into how...
  liquidized RacingBlue 182
yeh i seen ure car parked a few times and i have checked it out, i like the lighter shade on ure wheels but i do prefer mine, my misses did the same to my wheels, of course she denied it but ima take it to Auto Crash and get them redone

So u go out much on the island!?

  BMW M3
I prefered the lighter ones at the time but Im not so sure anymore. Im thinking of selling it at the mo as I had a 172 for 3 yrs before the 182 which Ive had for 18 months now nearly. Just fancy a change, but I am attached to it and dont knwo what to do. Its good havign somethign a bit different... Its had a good clean inside this wekend as it usually has junk in it so it looks nice again haha.

Out of a night time? yeah quite often but play footy for Marown now so that takes up more time than expected!

Women for ya eh :)
  liquidized RacingBlue 182
i have had ma 182 for a couple mnths.... i love it, cant get enough of driving it lol, have u had it on the island for that long aswell? never noticed it before i got mine!!!

im out and around quite often, we shood meet up some time goood for a foto oppertunity :) always wanted to take some pics with another 182

where u work? do u have msn messenger if so giz a pm with ure addy
  liquidized RacingBlue 182
nice car mate, whats it like to keep clean? as bad as ma last clio i bet..,,, was washing the thing every second day, well just as much as ma racing blue one hahah
  liquidized RacingBlue 182
im for ever cleaning ma car, but i love it so clean!!! jet wash 3 times a week and 2 pollishing a mnth!!!! but u gotta love racing blue :D:D:D
