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My 3/4 plate, can't decide.. Yes or No?

as above, fitted it today, and get decide whether i like it or not.. :(


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
i took mine off as i wasn't sure either........

imo i only think they suit black clios
  Elvis - Biarritz 1.2
Looks good with a 3/4, but I'm not so sure about the font. A bit too Word 97 if you see what I mean.


ClioSport Club Member
  E92 M3,172 track car
No, too much blue. Needs a black splitter and standard font. Although close up shots don't do them any justice.


  • 12072006.jpg
    98.6 KB · Views: 135
looks stupid as the recess is for a full sized one

get the bumper modified to have a 3/4 recess and it would look cool.
I think it looks ok. Maybe a bit bigger with the characters though. The cops are gonna have you for the font though, 30 quid fine for non standard registration mark.
  M2 Competition
I like it, just get a normal font for it and will look cool.

This way it doesnt foul the grille below it, looks neater imo
  Fiesta Zetec S TDCi
I like it but it looks a bit too high?

Looks like it needs a bit of blue showing at the top, cos with it all showing above the lower grill it seems a bit uneven.
  No more clio's for me!
Close up pics don't 'em justice matey.

It only looks strange 'cos its such a difference from will grow on you. I love mine! :)

  Mondeo STTDCI
Reduced plate with legal font - fine. You get stopped with that and expect it to cost your £30. They can seize the front plate as evidence of the offence also remember!
Dave said:
Reduced plate with legal font - fine. You get stopped with that and expect it to cost your £30. They can seize the front plate as evidence of the offence also remember!

In addition its 3 strikes and the DVLA are notified, then one warning letter and after that they take the number off of the car and u get issued with a Q plate. :eek:
