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my car has been broken into =[

  RenaultSport 172.
yesterday, been to L J Audio to sort out subtle build im having in a few weeks time, but on the wat home, stopped off at work;l halfords for literally 2 minutes to sort out lifts for yeserday evening.

come back out to find my car had been broken into!

looks like they have got a screwdriver behind the lock and just poped it off. its nailed the lock, dented the door, and craked all the paint :mad:

once they got inside, they robbed my headunit..brand spankin new ALPINE Ipod model. they yanked it so its smashed all the plasitcs, and nailed all the wiring...the facia was in the glovebox...and also robbed my wallet wich had my driving licence bank cards....£120 cash :mad: lukily the ipod was under everything in the glovebox and they didnt notice that....thank sister would have killed me!

police recon its someone who knows me, as everything i own was dotted around the car, and there is no way any random thief would know where to look. fasica here...wallet there....remote there...blah blah.

its mega fucked me off. not going to go through insurance as its going to rape going to get quotes today to sort it out.

police have just gone...and found a set of prints inside and out on the drivers door and wheel, that belong to neither me or my 3 mates who were with there his/hers.

nothin will happen.

just mega pissed me off.

the one time i leave my stuff in the car it goes.


cant drive my car until the repair has done, as i cant lock my door....grrr.. c***s!

security guards come over...why you all round this car?

me, cars just been broken into

security guard...oh. have they smashed a window..?

me..does it look like it?

security guard...oh right...they have a spare set of keys then? mate...gave them a spare set....NOB!

security guard...really?

me...look at the lock...:mad:

securty guard...whats gone...

me,..stereo wallet blh blha

securiy the know your pin number... mate. gave them my spare set of keys, gave them my pin number and waved them off into the sun set...

what a full on c**k...doing your job..? b****cks!

all he said was...' im sorry to hear about that...' and walked off!

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  2002 1.2 16v Clio
s**t man that completely sucks! there are some scumbags in this world. Hope you get it all sorted out. Best of luck man.
  RenaultSport 172.
cheers friends pickin me up in abit, and were goin to get some quotes on repairing the damage...its just the lock and door really...all the rest i can do myself...

dont want to go through insurance, althgouh its like a few hundread quids worth of damage...£399.99 headunit and the like ......:(

oh well....if i ever find out who it was...haha.
s**t sticks. I allways take my cd player out with me. dont leave it plugged in, in the glove box or in the boot. allways comes with me, so if they do break in theyll get f**k all out of it.

Thats s**t mate. Cant have anyhting these days without some "horrible person" wanting to nick it or damage it.
  Clio Mk1
fuckin c***s lol when i go anywhere i think ill take my headunit out and make a metal cage in the boot for the subs and amps lol
One of the reasons I have the standard head unit still in my car. I never leave my wallet in my car either, even if I'm out of it for 30 seconds. Actually, thinking about it, all that gets left in my car is a phone charger, a pen, a cheapo torch, spare set of bulbs, and the g/f's hairbrush.

If someone broke into my car, they'd be pretty pissed off lol.
One of the reasons I have the standard head unit still in my car. I never leave my wallet in my car either, even if I'm out of it for 30 seconds. Actually, thinking about it, all that gets left in my car is a phone charger, a pen, a cheapo torch, spare set of bulbs, and the g/f's hairbrush.

If someone broke into my car, they'd be pretty pissed off lol.

well i did ave a tape player. So theres my excuse for upgrading to an alpine. also, pen, phone charger, sunglasses (shite) and a few bits of paper live in there. so again, robbers will be pissed off if they get into my car.
  Mountune Tractor
that is a real shame mate but if anything you have taught the rest of us a lesson.........if you leave your car whether its for 30 secs or 3 days then you need to take all your valuables with you. I'm not sure the police were correct in saying that it is probably somebody you know though? Surely a car thief knows exactly where to look when they break into cars e.g. glove box, under seats, door storage etc etc
Thats s**t mate :dapprove: Surely it would have been caught on CCTV?

Absolute scum :mad:

I take my whole head unit out and pull the loom all the way out so they can see there is nothing to steal. Haven't got any aftermarket speakers in there either.

I take it the search for new wheels is over for a while now..

This must be the first time you've been done or else you would never have left all that stuff un your car. You don't think it will happen to you but it's far more common than you realise.

I didn't even bother replacing my stereo after mine got done. Nothing of any value whatsoever is left in it now for any amount of time. Too many desperate druggies around, no matter where you live.

Sorry for you mate, it's a sickening feeling and really makes you want to find the little smackheads and give them a kicking.
  LY V6 with Recaros
Gutted, I know how you feel, I left my last car for 2 minutes and came back to some scum having smashed my window and run off with my headunit (which I foolishly left in the glove box and have learnt my lesson!)
  Was a 197
i would imagine you have cancelled the necessay stuff like cards, driving licence etc etc, happened to me a bit back, tried to get my stereo but couldn't get it out (ha ha ha), which halfords, the one in cannock by maccies
soory to hear that, this happened to my step mum last week, i posted a thread on here, smashed her window though!!you never think it will actually happen to yourself until it does!!
  Leon Cupra
Sorry to hear mate. i only had my RT (first car) a week when I got broken into, speakers stolen and then the sods set fire to it for me. :mad:
I rebuilt the car as i refused to let the scum beat me.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I'm convinced with stuff like this, that group of scroats sit in anonymous cars in corners of retail parks and just watch cars coming and going.

Anything that looks appealing, they'll clock - and watch the driver going into a particular shop. Another scroat or two will be in touch (maybe even followed you into the store?) and will have a £10 two-way radio or sh1tty mobile to tell the other scroat what you're doing/when you're leaving, etc.

Sh1t like that just doesn't happen randomly. They are watching and waiting for the right time and place. I'm 99% convinced that this was what happened to my PGGT in Manchester. In amongst the car-park chocka of bland rep-mobiles, there are blokes watching - and they probably saw that I didn't take my head unit with me.

Sure enough, the car gets done over. And the kick-in-the-balls about it all, is that you never claim on insurance because you'll get bum-battered by them next year.

Loose-loose situation m8. And I'm sorry to hear about it..... :(

  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
Awww that's s**t luck mate. Really feel for you. I don't normally wish bad things on people, but I hope the little s***s get nothing but bad luck for the rest of their lives. Scumbags!

How come the darn security guard noticed you and your mates standing by your car but fialed to see some dickhead breaking into it? Some bloody secuirty guard he is. I'd sack the fucker!!!
  Mini Cooper S sport
Sorry to hear that..but the moral is:

Never leave ANYTHING in your car. Can't believe you left your wallet in there. Don't bother with a nice HU - standard does the job, it's just a car.

It still amazes me that people leave things like sat navs and wallets in their cars. It takes a thief seconds to break in, then you have all that grief. My first car was broken into and I had my speakers stolen, and they weren't even that good! I had nothing else in the car - they left my cassettes lol (it was years ago).

Anyway, I know you already feel bad, so I know it's an expensive lesson learned - and I'm sorry.
  RenaultSport 172. was the halfords in cannock, longford island. i work there too so..the robbers have probley seen my car too...

good news..police found some fingerprints on the car...of wich were non of my passengers and it was over thats the robbers..:D

also some of my cards have been found opposite a gypsie camp. police arnt going to do f**k all now...theyre too scared!

yeah its a bummer...and believe me...its the small amount of us that has to learn the hard way to show everyone else!


ClioSport Moderator
In the business you see under 25 year olds with blacked out windows, big stereos, 6x9s, subs, amps, sat navs etc etc.

For a theif, if he sees tints, the car surely belongs to a younger driver, who will have one, if not all of the items above.
Tints dont make a noise when you crack them, so that means it is silent when they pop the door open.
Into the car, rip the stereo out, check the glove box for the facia, if not there, under the seat, if not there, looks to the boot. Ohhh i see 6x9s, which means there could be an AMP and a SUB. Boot opened, shelf stole. Amp and sub stole just by cutting wires and leaving it a mess.
Anything else in the car stole too, Ipod, wallet, cards.

Its a big opportunity when you see any young driver with tints/items worth stealing. As most people dont secure down their stereo properly. Mostly insurance companies dont pay out too.

My advice, hide everything, and keep that damn facia for the HU with you. Not in some "they will never know" glovebox/under seat position.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
In the business you see under 25 year olds with blacked out windows, big stereos, 6x9s, subs, amps, sat navs etc etc.

For a theif, if he sees tints, the car surely belongs to a younger driver, who will have one, if not all of the items above.
Tints dont make a noise when you crack them, so that means it is silent when they pop the door open.
Into the car, rip the stereo out, check the glove box for the facia, if not there, under the seat, if not there, looks to the boot. Ohhh i see 6x9s, which means there could be an AMP and a SUB. Boot opened, shelf stole. Amp and sub stole just by cutting wires and leaving it a mess.
Anything else in the car stole too, Ipod, wallet, cards.

Its a big opportunity when you see any young driver with tints/items worth stealing. As most people dont secure down their stereo properly. Mostly insurance companies dont pay out too.

My advice, hide everything, and keep that damn facia for the HU with you. Not in some "they will never know" glovebox/under seat position.

Good advice there - and so true. Some of these lads I see driving about, you might as well stick a neon light on the roof saying "VALUABLES IN HERE - COME AND GET THEM".

  RenaultSport 172.
yeah but my car doesnt look anything special!

its got no 6x9's....nothing!

just my new side exit zorst, that everyone round cannock area seems to be raving about lately...mate hes got a side exit...! gotta love it...

but out of all the cars it had to be myn :(

oh well

rebuilt my dash today so thats a start :)


ClioSport Club Member
sh*te news fella

no matter how much of a ballache it is...always take your sh*t with you

i very rarely leave it in places that i need to, but i have a small lockable box in the boot that i put my satnav, road angel etc in.
