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My first detail on something other than a clio..

So after going way overboard on buying detailing things (£250+) and researching what to do over the past 4 months. My family members have become massively impressed with how my 182 has been looking recently. Here's a couple of pics;



Anyway my brother recently bought a new Focus. Asked me to bring it up to spec like the 182. Never worked on anything else, So I attempted it!

No before photos, didn't think, but 2 owners from new, both women, had a dull haze over it. It's a weird colour! Anyway your usual swirls and moderate/light scratches. So went down on Tuesday and did the following;

- Green pad & Menzerna power finish (2400)
- Orange pad & SSR2.5/SSR3 for the moderate/light marks.

The poor boys SSR range made quick work of the marks. Got rid instantly.

Took majority of the day to do. Got no pro photos against swirl finding light but this paint is now crisp as I can possibly get it :)

Today was the "Detail". steps were this; (essentially full decontamination)

- Power wash
- Iron X & wash off.
- Tar X & wash off.
- Snow foam
- valet pro brush around awkward areas with the snow foam
- bilberry wheel cleaner w/ valet pro brush

By this point the paint still wasn't smooth so:

- Clayed w/ Born Slippy
- Mer Shampoo with wool mitt
- Dried with Aqua Deluxe towel

Now I'm onto the bare naked clean paint so

- Poorboys black hole glazed
- Poorboys EX-P sealant
- Chemical Guys Butter wet wax

Then the randoms:

- Glass cleaned w/ chemguys & glass microfibres
- Plastics revived w/ Auto finesse revive
- wheels sealed w/ poor boys wheel sealant
- Interior cleaned w/ chemguys inner clean.
- Finishing "Auto-Glym" hanging air freshener :)










This reflection though :wink: ;


Insane depth and colour there ^


As with any detail pictures don't do it justice. In the flesh it's even better. These aren't edited pictures by the way (don't know how to do that lol) just a decentish camera showing what's actually there :)

Insane oily wet look bouncing off lights and reflections in this paint.

Not bad for my first random car I think!

any comments, pointers, help, technique adjusting tips welcome :)
  172 cup clio v6 st
Awesome job chem guys stuff is good if you ignore their nonsense on their products.
