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My flat is in a fibre optic network but...

  Nothing at the mo :(
is it really worth the extra cash compared to normal broadband?

For e.g

same package on Plusnet is £23... where Virgin optic is £32 :S
  Nothing at the mo :(
Just been looking

Virgin with weekend calls is £33

Plusnet with the same connection speed.. but anytime calls is £26 *bearing in mind the amount of time the gf's spends on the phone with her mum >.< lol*
Virgin with 10mb internet, M+ TV, and evening and weekend calls, including the Virgin line rental is £33.44 a month.

I presume with plusnet you still need to pay for your BT line?
  Nothing at the mo :(
no thats including phone line.. £26 a month with 20mb connection, anytime calls and inclues phone line
Do you have sky or equivalent though you could get rid of and make use of the bundle with TV, as that is what makes virgin packages good VFM.
  Nothing at the mo :(
So im starting to think the plusnet is the best deal :D Like VM is a real bargain if u get the TV.. which we wont get cause we dont need.. :D


  A thirsty 172
No it wouldn't. The speeds you get when using ADSL are down to the distance between your property and the telephone exchange. The further away you are, the slower the speed (generally anyway).
Fibre Optic broadband works differently - distance is no longer a factor.
  Nothing at the mo :(
DMS i got a question

When we looked at the flat.. it had a router so i thought bonus a phone line

Now looking at plusnet putting in my postcode.. it says i need to pay £50 for phone line installation :S .... but when i do it o virgin media it doesnt say anything like installation.. does that mean they may of had virgin media before instead of normal broadband??


  A thirsty 172
Doesn't really mean anything. Even if the flat has a working phone line, they'll still charge you the installation cost. There's more to it than just having a working phone line - it has to be routed properly within the telephone exchange for ADSL to work over it which is what the installation charge will cover.
The same applies to Virgin Media - even if you've got your house wired up correctly and fibre optic cables laid on your street they still have to provision a modem for your account and set your service up at their end, and they'll still insist on coming round to ensure it's all done correctly.
Plus I'm sure Virgin Media charge for installation too, unless there's an offer on at the minute?

Whatever broadband type the previous occupants were using is kind of irrelevant. You're probably still going to have to pay for the installation whichever option you choose. Personally I'd go for the cable though, it's superior to ADSL in just about every way.
  Nothing at the mo :(
Yeah i did looked Virgin.. purely cause of fast internet :p.. Is 10mb connection enoug? or shall i get get 20mb?

And i dunno with the installed fee with virgin.. the final figure was just extra 4.99 for postage for my router.. nothing about installation cost


  A thirsty 172
There you go then, sorted.
Go for the fastest you can afford IMO. If you're only doing web browsing though and don't download much you might as well stick with the 10mb and save money.
Just so you know, if you do download a lot with Virgin Media they cap your download speed and perform traffic shaping so your connection will slow down a lot - especially at peak times. Only the 50mb package has no caps / limits.
  Nothing at the mo :(
Right ive been thinking.. and if im honest.. at times i can donwload alot *no torrents ;)*.....

Is 50mb worth the £40 a month price tag with free weekend calls?


  A thirsty 172
I'd say so, but then I hate waiting for anything so I tend to get the fastest everything.
  Nothing at the mo :(
lol.. plusnet is like £20 less for the same thing.. but they can only guarantee me like 6mb lol.. if i get 50mb virgin.. will it actually be 50mb?


  A thirsty 172
Yes. You'll have a 50 megabit connection which should mean you'll be able to download around 5 to 6 megabytes of data per second.
  Nothing at the mo :(
5mb a second.. thats crazy speed!!!! fk im getting it lol

gotta pay £20 extra for 50mb activation.. whatever that is for >.<
