Quote: Originally posted by UncleRogi on 11 August 2004
No its perfectly Legal to have other Named Drivers on the Policy, Insurance companys will ask you if you want to do this when you get a Quote. Most people think it will increase the Cost of the Policy, but it doesnt, especially if its a Partner or a Parent. If they have a Clean License and No Claims within 3 years theres a good chance it will reduce the Quote.Insurance companys rate Car Owner only Driver at a higher rate than a Car that has two Drivers. If the Car is only in your name the company believes youll drive it "more recklessly" than if it was a SHARED vehicle.
Fair enough. Its when you say your mum, your dad etc is the MAIN driver. I think thats when the technicality arises. But saying that, if you did have an accident the ins company has to prove otherwise i guess, and i cant really see how they could.