yeh be careful not to melt the ICE lol. if you wana do the bucket in the middle thingy you could get a huge fibreglass build made which the bucket seat is moulded into, get the fibreglass build to run either side of the seat and to window height and go up the back of the seat and into the boot. you could have 2 12" either side of the seat, 2 12" behind the seat inverted to give the poor passenger some bass feelings lol and another 2 in the boot space facing normally and then the amps in a fibreglassed floor in either a recess of perspex! DONOT mount the components in the build with the subs cos the air will just make them pop!! get a pair of components in each door amped up and position the tweeters at ear height and in the back why not mount some in the headrests? something different or in a roof build just above the windows, make sure you have crossovers though. then get a roof mounted screen in the centre, a rather large one so you can sit in the bucket and get blown to bits by the bass when something explodes lol.
could draw you some ideas if you want me to? im full of loadsa crazy idea lol. pm me if u want i can also supply u with quality ICE products at cheap prices. am thinkin of sellin my alpine type r sub and custom ported box to fit a mk1 clio, the sub is inverted and takes up little room, yours for £130, thats £250 worth of stuff