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My tyre has a problem?

  Clio MK 4
Basically one of my rear tyres looks a bit flat. Not much but noticeable. Anyway i went to the petrol station to put it back up. I put the machine on 30 and did the one which seemed fine to which it was at 25! Got that to 30. Then went to the one which looked flat put the air pressure thing on and nothing happened. it wouldnt fill up nor beep to tell me what it was at. Any ideas?
  Clio MK 4
Does it mean it's knackered if it wont fill up or anything?

Thing is its hardly flat just slightly more noticeable than the other one
  R35 GTR
valves can definitely be replaced.

try taking the wheel off and putting some air in then put in water to see where the air is leaking from. It will be coming from somewhere.
  Mk2 1.2 Campus
The machine won't be picking up any pressure so it won't pump it up. Some machines have a flat tyre button on it that you can use.

If you've driven far on a flat tyre it can damage the inside, when you pump it up there may be a vibration through the car.
