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My White Mk2 Ph1 Clio Project

  White Clio MK2 PH1
i started off with a classic mini, Rover Mini Thirty Limited Edition

i decided to sell it and get a car i could do up as i didnt want to do the mini up incase i lost the value of the car and it was already pretty much done!

i ended up buying a clio mk2 ph1 off my uncle for £800 because it was cheap on insurance and i wanted it to be used as a project car, seeming as im only 18.

i wasnt working when i brought the car so i got some cheap wheel trims to tidy it up a little bit

i wanted alloys so badly but couldnt afford them, the next mod was tinted windows which my girlfriend brought me for a christmas present, i had to do them myself which was the downfall but didnt come out too bad!

i ended up gettin a job and decided to finally get some alloys!

the next step was to get a sub as i wanted some bass!

i only had this a couple of weeks and decided it wasnt as good as i expected so i sold it too a mate, i decided to buy some Daylights and fitted them myself

decided to order some funny stickers, why the hell not? :D

the next job turned out to be flyeyes as my mate recommended them

i then decided to lower my car 60mm, it didnt go to plan tho, i got them fitted but hasnt gone as low as i wanted, so im on the save for coilovers!

this is how my car is at the current moment, have more plans but i was hoping i would get some feedback from here and maybe some ideas
i know this isnt the best of cars but its my car, i love it and i have done it all myself!

thanks - Liam
  Arctic 182FF
You won't find many people here that will like what you've done unfortunately. Not personally a fan of those alloys. I'm undecided about the fly eyes as I haven't seen them before, think they look alright. I would definitely suggest colour coding, ph2 rear lights. Most people would suggest dual optics headlights too but if you like the fly eyes then by all means keep them. If I was you i'd either spray the alloys all one colour or get a new set, but that's just my opinion, doesn't mean that's what you've gotta do, it's your car so make it yours really :)

Oh and maybe a dynamique spoiler and colour code it? Best of luck and enjoy your car
  PB 182 (1 of 29)
Welcome to Cliosport!

I tell you now, knowing what Cliosport is like, what you have done so far won't be super popular, but fair play for having a go and it's your car and you love it so that is all that matters.

You are not far from me (just the other side of Grantham) so might even see you about!
  White Clio MK2 PH1
yeah kinda knew it wouldnt get much like, but i agree, flyeyes are just there for now, will deffo be gettin dual optic headlights eventually, just playing around with stuff atm, see what i like / prefer and all that, yeah going to be gettin a spoiler and colour coded soon, agree with you on alloys tho! gonna go get a quote on spraying soon or maybe even try it myself! :)
thanks for abit of feedback tho guys!


ClioSport Club Member
  Black Gold 182FF
Nice car to start with. Look forward to future updates!
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Its a shame you didnt join sooner, you could have bought some nice secondhand OZ F1s to refurb yourself that would have looked great on there.

Your car isnt really to my personal taste, but so long as you enjoy it thats all that matters.

Welcome to the club, once you're old enough to insure it get a 172 phase 1 instead, they are EPIC cars :)
please, for the love of god colour code it!

the dark grey strips on white looks awful!

what you should do, is get it colour coded, either get the roof sprayed or wrapped in black and get a black cup spoiler, get rid of the fly eyes and get hold of some dual optics, then get some turinis or BBS wheels, then get some nice coilovers to finish the look.

but thats only if I had an unlimited budget :D

that's what I'd do, but hey, if you like it, that's all that matters mate :)
  White Clio MK2 PH1
please, for the love of god colour code it!

the dark grey strips on white looks awful!

what you should do, is get it colour coded, either get the roof sprayed or wrapped in black and get a black cup spoiler, get rid of the fly eyes and get hold of some dual optics, then get some turinis or BBS wheels, then get some nice coilovers to finish the look.

but thats only if I had an unlimited budget :D

that's what I'd do, but hey, if you like it, that's all that matters mate :)

deffo gonna colour code it!, looking at new rims, cant seem to find no dual optics atm :( tryin to find a spoiler, but its having abit of problems starting atm, so once that sorted gonna sort out my finances and get it sorted! :)
I would sell the wheels and save for something better ( turinis, team dynamics etc. colour code! even if you do it yourself its fairly easy! dual optics will transform the car and some clear side repeaters, ph2 rear lights. a simple start right there mate and it will get you brownie points on this site.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I personally hate everything you have done to it.

But its not my car so its not my business!
  Arctic 182FF
I personally hate everything you have done to it.

Comments like this are what really annoy me about this site, why bother putting that? Yeah it may be your opinion but you could at least try to be constructive, offer improvements etc. That comment isn't helpful to anyone. I have no time for people like you.


ClioSport Club Member
Alright ferret ! ...didn't realise you were on here. Stick around on here, have a look at people's projects, you can get some good ideas. There's some good people that give good advice and ideas

Dan :)
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Comments like this are what really annoy me about this site, why bother putting that? Yeah it may be your opinion but you could at least try to be constructive, offer improvements etc. That comment isn't helpful to anyone. I have no time for people like you.

He detailed what he doesnt like, EVERYTHING, so surely the implicit constructive criticism there is that it would be better if those things were all undone.

The guy posted a thread saying he was looking for feedback, Dan gave him honest feedback, what the hell is the problem with that?
  Arctic 182FF
He detailed what he doesnt like, EVERYTHING, so surely the implicit constructive criticism there is that it would be better if those things were all undone.

The guy posted a thread saying he was looking for feedback, Dan gave him honest feedback, what the hell is the problem with that?

No-one would like to hear that about their car. You can look for, "implicit constructive" criticism all you like, but the fact is that there is nothing constructive about his statement. If he then went on to suggest improvements the fair enough but he didn't. Even if he did, saying that he hated everything is still needlessly harsh, you can express that you don't like something in a less hurtful way.

Liam asked for feedback and ideas.
He detailed what he doesnt like, EVERYTHING, so surely the implicit constructive criticism there is that it would be better if those things were all undone.

The guy posted a thread saying he was looking for feedback, Dan gave him honest feedback, what the hell is the problem with that?

fair shout... was just stating his opinion which he is entitled to i suppose :)
  Arctic 182FF
They'd probably like even less for everyone to be thinking it but no one saying it, so hence everyone is just laughing at you behind your back.

Besides the point but ok. All i was trying to say was that people should offer constructive criticism if they feel the need to criticise, rather than just saying things you see too often on this site such as, "Looks gash", "That's s**t" and "hate everything you have done". Also, it seems that anyone who does anything other than try to make their non sport look like a sport or OEM+ gets slated. Admittedly, I think a lot of them don't look great but some really do and yet get no credit anyway.

Chip, if you wish to continue this discussion please private message me so that we don't continue to spam Liam's thread.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
If you dont like reading peoples comments that are what you feel are negative (but im sure knowing what a nice guy Daniel is were intending to try and point out to the guy what lots of people where thinking but not saying), you could just scroll past them TBH mate.

Its a discussion forum, if you ask for feedback you should expect both good and bad.
  Arctic 182FF
Pretty sure I'm not the only one who would interpret that as negative. Like I said in my last few posts, I didn't say no-one was allowed to write bad feedback about people's cars, I am merely saying that offering improvements is the way to go if you don't like it, rather than just trying to put that person down. Even if you feel compelled to leave a negative comment without being constructive you could simply put, "Not to my taste personally, but each to their own". There's just no need to be so harsh to people to say that you hate everything they've done. Not helpful, not friendly. Cliosport is supposed to cater for all and be a club for all clio owners/enthusiasts almost as a sort of community. I'd expect the users to be a bit more friendly to each other.
  Renault Symbol
Pretty sure I'm not the only one who would interpret that as negative. Like I said in my last few posts, I didn't say no-one was allowed to write bad feedback about people's cars, I am merely saying that offering improvements is the way to go if you don't like it, rather than just trying to put that person down. Even if you feel compelled to leave a negative comment without being constructive you could simply put, "Not to my taste personally, but each to their own". There's just no need to be so harsh to people to say that you hate everything they've done. Not helpful, not friendly. Cliosport is supposed to cater for all and be a club for all clio owners/enthusiasts almost as a sort of community. I'd expect the users to be a bit more friendly to each other.

  phase 1 flamer 172
Really no one should come on here and ask what they should be doing to their car, look at the projects and copy the ideas that appeal, mod the car to please yourself cause you,ll never please every one else.
  White Clio MK2 PH1
dw guys i know its a bag of s**t, ive never been good with cars, started to get an intrest with my car but turns out everything i do is terrible so i think ill give up and call it a day tryin to mod my car
  Arctic 182FF
Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not there Liam. But don't give up if you're interested in your car just because a few people don't like what you've done. Get it how you want it to look and that really is all that matters, forget everyone else
  Clio 2.0 RS 172 Ph1
Take this as you will...

I'm 30 now and was once as you are an 18 year old lad with a lust for all things car like. I too ploughed money into a shitter only to look back on that today and think what a dick I was. My advice to you is this. LEAVE the car as is, rag the s**t out of it, crash it (more than once in my case) and save the money you would waste throwing at it to buy a half decent car when you have built up a bit of NCB. Your not adding value to that car... in fact the opposite. Keep it as standard as possible, enjoy it and sell it at little or no loss.
  White Clio MK2 PH1
just me in the car, aquaplaned, hit an oncoming car, then spun me again and hit another car, ive had a bleed to the brain thats about it, but yeah lucky lucky
  White Clio MK2 PH1
yeah i was only one who went hospital, its all good, just my insurance is through the roof now, my car is fucked and my head is killing!
  Arctic 182FF
Wow! Glad no one was too badly hurt, hope you have a speedy recovery. That is quite some crash!
