"Navy" N17 TWO
Big thanks to Andy from the other forum (www.reallymeansounds.com) for organising the day, we tagged along 
Well as I said in the other thread, it wasn't a bad day at all if you didn't mind the chill factor, lovely burgers and a bit of smoke under the hood... oh and lots of noise!
If it had of been a CS event I would of U-turned for home - we had 3 cars, but that wasn't as bad as the colour of the Tiggermobile lol (I was aiming for the "driven" look anyway :rasp
Only have some of my photo's for now as I can't read my RAW files from the camera thanks to my editing software FAIL
Luke put his 182 on and got 171.6 and an empty coolant tank
Some of the other cars on the rollers
Weight-saving perhaps?
Finally the contribution to the day for ClioSport
This is how Matt was rolling - on the sh*t
Mine looks like it was rolling in it! :rasp:
The rest of the pics will follow soon - enjoy
Well as I said in the other thread, it wasn't a bad day at all if you didn't mind the chill factor, lovely burgers and a bit of smoke under the hood... oh and lots of noise!
If it had of been a CS event I would of U-turned for home - we had 3 cars, but that wasn't as bad as the colour of the Tiggermobile lol (I was aiming for the "driven" look anyway :rasp
Only have some of my photo's for now as I can't read my RAW files from the camera thanks to my editing software FAIL
Luke put his 182 on and got 171.6 and an empty coolant tank
Some of the other cars on the rollers
Weight-saving perhaps?
Finally the contribution to the day for ClioSport
This is how Matt was rolling - on the sh*t
Mine looks like it was rolling in it! :rasp:
The rest of the pics will follow soon - enjoy