Yesterday i read another N2O post , the whole should i/shouldnt i debate. I then thought id e-mail the police to findout about the legal issues rather than use hearsay... Heres the responce...
From Me..
I would like to know any legal issues surrounding the use of N2O in my
> road car. Should the car would be labled as carrying non flamable compressed
> gas?
> If there are any requirements i would need to meet (other than extending
> my insurance cover to this) then i would most appreciate it if you could
> inform me.
> Thank you for your time and help
> Andrew
The reply...
Andrew, N2O is actually a flammable gas, but if used to propel a vehicle
then no signing is necessary. An EU agreement under type approval that the
UK has signed up to does not allow for two fuels to be used at the same
time. You can have two fuels on the vehicle but only use 1 e.g. petrol/N2O
you would need to switch from one to the other and not use the N2O to boost
the petrol. You would definitely need to let your Insurance company know.
Dont be surprised if they then decline to cover you!
Mick Beale
Sgt 2178 Road Policing Training
Direct Dial:01245-452774
Can i ask one question, i may sound stupid but i though N2O was NOT FLAMABLE? OK so we have oxygen, this is not flamable but is a component needed to complete combustion of a flamable material and Nitrogen which is completely inert but will cool the charge. Therefore can N2O be called flamable when it cant be burnt, only used to accerlerate combuastion which is already taking place?