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  Clio 182 Cup
I have an emulator on my phone as the games on that console were so good.
I would also get Zelda Majoras Mask , Perfect Dark , snowboarding 1080, mario kart, Paper Mario, waverace 64 and pilotwings. The Star Wars games were all good too.
Perfect Dark was done by RARE who made goldeneye and is pretty much similar and on par with that and well worth playing.
All those games are the best games for the N64 as I remember.
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ClioSport Club Member
  A terrible one
Seems like every console being sold on eBay has a copy of F1 World Grand Prix included. Remember the challenges on the game were nigh on impossible.
  Goliath I
Does anyone remember Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon? It seemed like a really strange rip off of Zelda but was actually really good, and rather quirky
I've got a complete boxed Conker's Bad Fur Day I've been meaning to punt on eBay but the thought of having to deal with the eMongs puts me right off. I'll leave it gathering more dust up the loft for now.

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Diddy Kong Racing was another good one. Lots of little secrets to the tracks

Pokemon stadium was revolutionary too how you could transfer your Pokemon from gameboy using the transfer pack thing.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Every game I loved has already been mentioned... but yeah great memories of multiplayer GoldenEye. It'll probably never be beaten now because of online gaming :(

1080 was brilliant, used to swap cartridge with my brother trying to beat each others top scores all the time!

Zelda was incredible of course.

One that hasn't been mentioned is Yoshi's Story, actually pretty cool!


ClioSport Club Member
Console didn't make it in time before the bank holiday (probably a good thing as I actually got some stuff done round the house I've been putting off for months. It should be here today or tomorrow.

I've just nabbed a mint copy of Zelda Ocarina of Time from eBay for £13.50. Can't wait!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
The amount of 'mint' games I've sent back!

I paid a decent wedge once for a perfect copy of Banjo Tooie, c**k end wrapped it in a carrier bag and posted it expecting it to stay in one piece?

The boxes go for more than the games most of the time!
  Twingo RS 133
I ended up downloading an Emulator on to my laptop and a handfull of roms, (goldeneye, mario 64, mario kart and diddy kong racing) and just ordered 2 N64 controllers with USB ports! Thats my evenings down the pi55er! haha
Reading this made me realise how many awesome games were on n64! Didn't realise how much I liked that console!

I like the game cube too. Loved the zelda on that too, the cartoon style one. It was awesome and visually stunning.


ClioSport Club Member
  A terrible one
Reading this made me realise how many awesome games were on n64! Didn't realise how much I liked that console!

I like the game cube too. Loved the zelda on that too, the cartoon style one. It was awesome and visually stunning.
Zelda Wind waker I think.

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
I had the wind waker game and it came with a second disc which had the ocarina of time on too.
I absolutely adored wind waker, even though I forgot it's name. Lol. One of my favourite gaming experiences. Can't think of many other game cube classics mind? [emoji53] Other than Mario's

[emoji7] gaming nostalgia [emoji7]


ClioSport Club Member
Also what was the thing with the expansion pack that was available?
It let some games run at higher frame rate or better resolution.

but why didn't they just give the system more memory in the first place - especially on later consoles when the costs of memory modules had dropped loads by then??


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
Me and my best mates (twins) have been playing Mario Kart double dash pretty much every Thursday night for the last 14 years!

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Also what was the thing with the expansion pack that was available?
It let some games run at higher frame rate or better resolution.

but why didn't they just give the system more memory in the first place - especially on later consoles when the costs of memory modules had dropped loads by then??

It was for Donkey Kong and Perfect Dark, I think


ClioSport Club Member
Just realised I never updated this. Got my N64 at the beginning of last week & I'm loving it. It came in better condition than I thought (literally looks brand new, boxed. Controller still feels new - no loose stick!).

So far my game collection includes (again, all mint):

Super Mario 64.
Zelda Ocarina of Time.
Diddy Kong Racing.
Mario Kart 64 (boxed as new).

I'll get some pictures soon & whack them in here.
  Clio 182 Cup
You're going to love ocarina of time. It's still rated as one of the best ever games after all this time. Majora's mask is almost as good but last time I looked it was pricey.
Also if you have a decent phone you can download mupen64 app from playsotr which is an emulator and then download the game roms on the internet and play the actual games on your phone. Not all the games work but Mario 64 works perfect and so does Ocarina of time. They have on screen controls so obviously much better with a controller and a full size screen but I'm about half way though both of them on my phone!
