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Net firms in music pirates deal

They can't prove it anyway. They don't know what files you download are illegal, and what are not.

Uploading however, that's a different story.
  clio 16v

When will this government get the message? Have they never heard of encryption? They will never stop people who have the slightest clue about computers from downloading copyright material. IMO anybody still using bitorrent deserves everything they get - SSL encrypted newsgroups FTW!

I have around 750 GB of pirated films and everytime the media report on this I just increase my collection as fast as possible :evil:
  Facelift R53 Cooper S

When will this government get the message? Have they never heard of encryption? They will never stop people who have the slightest clue about computers from downloading copyright material. IMO anybody still using bitorrent deserves everything they get - SSL encrypted newsgroups FTW!

I have around 750 GB of pirated films and everytime the media report on this I just increase my collection as fast as possible :evil:

newgroups aren't free though are they?
  clio 16v

When will this government get the message? Have they never heard of encryption? They will never stop people who have the slightest clue about computers from downloading copyright material. IMO anybody still using bitorrent deserves everything they get - SSL encrypted newsgroups FTW!

I have around 750 GB of pirated films and everytime the media report on this I just increase my collection as fast as possible :evil:

newgroups aren't free though are they?

Fair point, but they are not exactly expensive are they? Giganews platinum SSL unlimited download monthly package is $25 i.e. circa £12.50 a month. As many films as you want every month is well worth £12.50 if you ask me.
  172 Cup
Bethere ftw yet again...

Hi all

Please see below an update from us regarding copyright infringement:

As Be* grows we are getting an increasing number of requests from 3rd parties for information about members who they believe have infringed their copyright or other intellectual property rights. We want to make it clear to our members how Be* deals with these requests.

Where a content owner (like a record label or a games company) approaches Be and requests the details of a member because of an alleged copyright infringement we will not supply this information direct to the requester unless they have a Court Order. To keep members informed of what’s going on in most circumstances we will try to contact the member in question to make them aware that we have had a request from the rights holder.
  Clio200 EDC Lux
can someone explain this newsgroup thing? I am a dullard and use untorrent at the moment and will probably get my a$$ spanked. Can they actually tell what files you downoad?
  clio 16v
can someone explain this newsgroup thing? I am a dullard and use untorrent at the moment and will probably get my a$$ spanked. Can they actually tell what files you downoad?

With things like limewire/torrents etc it's all based on p2p technology i.e. you are downloading from a large number of other users computers which are all connected to the "swarm". If the BPI want to find out who is connected to the swarm all they have to do is join the swarm and harvest IP addresses. There are programs such as peerguardian etc which supposedly block your IP address but I don't really know how effective these are. When dowloading from newsgroups you dowload directly from the newsgroup server and not from other users. People upload content to the server and you then dowload it. As it's a direct link between you and the server other people cannot see what your downloading. If using SSL encryption it makes it very difficult for even your ISP to see what your downloading. Most of the major newsgroup providers claim that they do not log what you download however I don't know how much truth there is behind that.
