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New 172 Cup owner, hello!

  Mk1 MX-5 (x3), Westy
Hi guys,

Just bought a track-focused 172 Cup which I will be picking up tomorrow if all goes well. Was amazed at the handling and pretty nippy to boot! Looking forward to giving some overweight Evos and Scoobys a run for their money at a few tracks this year :cool:

Anyone else get to Oulton Park regularly?

Anyone else get to Oulton Park regularly?

Welcome to the club... Quite often only being in Warrington, its a good circuit but I still prefer Cadwell as a favorite, I think its more suited to the type of car the Clio is...

  Mk1 MX-5 (x3), Westy
Thanks for the warm welcome gents! I'll get some pics when I get chance :)

Yeah, I am definitely going to head to Cadwell this year at some point, looks absolutely amazing and I agree that it's perfect for a Clio. It's all about the cornering!

That ph1 above looks like a right track weapon!
