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New 182 Trophy Owner - Parts Help

  182 Trophy
Hi ClioSport Forum,

Hope you are all well, i've only just signed up here as there appears to be a-lot of knowledge. Great forum! I've recently picked up a 49k mile, 1 previous owner 182 Trophy and its undergoing some work to bring it back up to its former glory. I need help locating some bits if you would be so kind to help me

1. Offside rear brake pipe complete
2. Both front ABS rings - it has to be the ones with the more teeth. 40+
3. Rear exhaust mounts
4. New coil pack & leads
5. 1 fuel injector

Once the car is ready I'm looking forward to joining for meets/ track-days and B road blasts.



ClioSport Club Member
I'd reccommend these for replacement exhaust mounts, no more NVH than the standard cheese mounts and last far longer, just cut the old rubber out of the mounts and stick these in.


ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, Arctic182
Rear brake lines, unless you are going absolute standard resto I'd get @BRT Motorsport to make you up some braided lines straight from the rear calipers to the hard lines running to the rear beam. Gets rid of those silly little flexis then.
  182 Trophy
Thanks very much guys you are so very helpful !

Would someone mind sending me a link to a new coil pack & leads for my Trophy. Much appreciated
