I picked an identical car up a few weeks ago. I kept it below 3.5k until 625 miles then started to up the revs from there on. Ive almost covered 900 miles now, but Im still keeping it away from the high revs, most the time. Its so hard to do. I think having a Easy Renta car Yaris has helped calm me down.
If you search the forums there are various threads about running in and the pros and cons.
I read them all and spoke to a friend who rebuilds engines. His advice was what swung it. Its not just the engine, its the clutch and brakes. He gave me some odd chocolate analogy regarding tempering the clutch and discs!!! Kinda made sense so Ive kept it calm to start with.
You wont be disappointed with the car I can tell you. Just watch out for the rattling passenger seat after a week, then the external temperature gauge thinking its in Florida at around week 3!!!!!