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New Clio 197

Is this 197 worth buying?? I purchased a new 05 182 last year still has 1 year finance outstanding would the deprecation of the car once the 197 comes out out be high, and justify trading my 182 in and another years finance for the 197.

Any answers and opinions would help

The 182 is a great car, if you love it keep it, if not buy something else.....thats been the way I buy my cars :)
Newer doesn't always mean better ;)

There are lots of thread on here about the 197, why not scroll through a few of those and see what people are saying? :)

  Megane R26
I can't speak for everyone, but this will be a hard question to answer right now, as very few people have driven the 197

I assume it is a better car, but only you can really know if its worth the extra money...
  RenaultSport clio 182 CUP
its bigger heavier and not got a lot more power. the price is pretty wicked to. the looks are up to you but i aint to keen.... stick with the 182 just now and read a few reviews on the 197 or should i say 194bhp
Whats do you mean by better? A tropy is better a Leda dampered 182 is better a Porche is better a dci Clio is better.
You pay your money you take the issues and advanatges and disadvantages of the car.
I wouldn't swop a 182 for a 197 personally unless you realy want to spend your money (or unless you get a good deal).
  106 GTi
Until the 197 has been driven it is hard to comment. Looking at press shots are one thing, reading what the journos say in time another, but seeing and driving one is where its at, I wont make a decision either way until then.
