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New clio, first problems!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Hi guys.
Well, just bought a 2002 clio 3 days ago and having some problems. Basically today I woke up and went downstairs to see the clio lights were flashing. I thought I had left my hazards on but I hadnt, as they don't seem to even work. Anyway! Opened the car and the battery is obviously dead. Won't start. I also noticed water in my O/S/R footwell, a puddle! There is no water around the sunroof of evidence of leaking and all seats are dry. That door does have a dent in the bottom so I'm the thinking maybe the door seal isn't sealing properly?
I checked the window and the handle did turn a tiny bit so maybe it was letting water in this way too?
I've removed it all now anyway and will check tomorrow for water!
I'm now wondering why my alarm went off? Maybe the window caused it?
I've pushed the sensors down into the door pillars more now and it hasn't gone off since. It'll sound it's alarm but nor bloody start!

Any help is greatly appreciated.


  clio 172
First place to check when you get leaks is the drains under the window wipers, my rear drivers side footwell was wet after I cleared the drains is stopped.
Have tried bump starting it ? If it goes its your battery


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I checked and the drains seem clear at the front, Going to pull the seats and carpets this weekend at the back and check that the drain holes aren't letting water in.
Also bought a small jump starter yesterday which is arriving today so hopefully get it started.
