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New Clio Owner

  Clio 1.2 Expression
I'm 17 and I bought my Clio 1.2 Expression last Friday from Arnold Clark when they told it would be valeted, chips done, etc. and dropped off at my house by the tuesday. Anyway phoned the fella at Arnold Clark today as it hasn't been dropped off yet and the cheeky get offers to drop the car off without the chips being done, so that I could have the car now instead of waiting, and then I would forward the bill to him. I told him where to go as I don't trust the cheeky t**t, he obviously wasn't going to pay the bill if i got the chips done myself. :mad: On the positive side i'm really looking forward to getting my Clio (first car) and going for a spin:rasp:

Oh and i'm new!
  Clio 172 mk2
Welcome to CS

1.2s are quite good fun. My girlfriend owns one which I drive now and again and it's a good car....even reliable too:D
welcome chap .................dont accept it without the work being done or make sure you get paperwork to say they'd complete the work later
  Clio 1.2 Expression
kullycliosport said:
welcome chap .................dont accept it without the work being done or make sure you get paperwork to say they'd complete the work later

yeah i know. he was trying to pull a fast one can't blame him for trying though
Sminp said:
yeah i know. he was trying to pull a fast one can't blame him for trying though

tru ............but its a main dealer :eek: as well , stranger thing have happened

good luck m8
  e60 M5 -172- dciheid
Sminp said:
I'm 17 and I bought my Clio 1.2 Expression last Friday from Arnold Clark when they told it would be valeted, chips done, etc. and dropped off at my house by the tuesday. Anyway phoned the fella at Arnold Clark today as it hasn't been dropped off yet and the cheeky get offers to drop the car off without the chips being done, so that I could have the car now instead of waiting, and then I would forward the bill to him. I told him where to go as I don't trust the cheeky tw*t, he obviously wasn't going to pay the bill if i got the chips done myself. :mad: On the positive side i'm really looking forward to getting my Clio (first car) and going for a spin:rasp:

Oh and i'm new!
whered you get it, pollokshaws?

or edbro?
  172 cup'd extreme
pie eater eh? hope you enjoy the brilliant customer service shark offers

welcome to the club BTW
  Clio 1.2 Expression
16v_jon said:
pie eater eh? hope you enjoy the brilliant customer service shark offers

welcome to the club BTW

Nope not a pie eater, cheeky get :D . I'm from just outside Liverpool (my dads house is still there) but my mum now lives just outside Wigan so I had a look at cars in both areas before buying.

Edit: Just noticed you're from wigan. when at my mum's i'm in appley bridge, you might know it.
  172 cup'd extreme
plastic souser then !

i live near wigan but im not from wigan god help me......

yeah i know where appley bridge is, its a days march from wigan really
  RS Megane DCi 175
lol - nothing up with pie eaters! :approve:
Appley Bridge is a pie throw away from me. Live in Standish!
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
Hiya Sminp, welcome to CS. I hope you enjoy your first Clio as much as th rest of us are enjoying ours. :D

I'm on my 2nd one now and loving it! I have a 1.6 16v D+, had it for just over 3 years. I had a 1.4 RT Alize before that. Hubby and I also share a 13 year old 1.2 Fidji, which unfortunately I can't drive at the moment as she has no power steering and I have a dodgy shoulder, but Hubby loves her, not quite as much as his Megane Coupe of course, but he still loves driving her. She's a nippy little thing.

I hope you will be putting up some pics of your new baby once you get her. I love looking at pics of Clios. :D :D
  Clio 1.2 Expression
thanks for the welcome! I will be putting up some pics as soon as i get the car but it will probably have no mods as i'm skint at the moment
  Audi TT 3.2 V6
welcome mate, ive got an expression to, theyre a good starting point, nippy for what they are.
