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New Cup, First Detail

Since a rather mint looking Cup was p/xd for a R26 at Wests of Bedford, i jumped at the chance to have it. My old one went to a trader as i couldnt be hassled to sell it privately.

I took delivery of a 53 plate 41k Cup on Friday evening. The only thing that was letting it down was the marring, swirls and holograms of the paint work. I cant really fault the rest of the car in any way at all, even for the mileage, there is probably only two marks on the whole car.

So after meeting with Karl on Saturday to pass on my old Megane wheels, it was time to start a good going over of the whole car. Saturday afternoon i had a bit of a tidy up of the engine bay.

Sunday came and i spent the afternoon washing with a Lambswool mitt, drying with a waffleweave and Polishing with SRP... by hand, for four hours. I really need to invest in a PC. The SRP got got rid of the nasty holograms and toned down the swirls quite a bit. I spent time working it into each section until the product was virtually gone.

Today i started the sealing and waxing stages. First i went over the car with QD and a microfibre. I then gave two layers of Jeffs Acrylic Trigger.

A layer of Chemical Guys 50/50 was then put on and as advised, ill be putting another layer of it over tomorrow when i get in from work.

Im really pleased with the results! :):)

heres some piccies:
thanks for the comments :)

Chris, i had already fitted my Angelworks inlets off my old Cup, Hillpower induction (which i might change for a standard airbox and ITG) recently. it had already been remapped, but ill have to get it done again to bring it all into toe. And of course, my sprayed sidebadges :)
  Golf R
ultra shiny and looking good :D

i don't know the full history of your last Cup but i'm guessing this one is newer and has less miles to have persuaded you to chop in the last Cup?
thanks again for your comments :)

Gaz, this one was a 53 plate compared to a 52, it has 4.5k more miles compared to the last, but its spotless. i suppose ill have to show it off that the northants meet ay ;)
  Golf R
Gaz, this one was a 53 plate compared to a 52, it has 4.5k more miles compared to the last, but its spotless. i suppose ill have to show it off that the northants meet ay ;)

aye definitely sounds a plan.... staying with Turini's this time or plan to change the wheels again?

surprised you didn't swap the doorbadges when it was on the forecourt ;)
  Breaking A 172 Replica
I love those side badges.

Sooo much nicer than the silver standard ones!

I want a bloody cup! How much did you old one sell for, if you don't mind me asking?

Also did you find out about those wheels?

Thanks matey

Sam, ill catch you on MSN dude

Gaz, yes they are a bit high, ive got some new pillar badges to put on, just a matter of doing them :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Cool. They really are a bargin, i'm 99% sure i'll chop mine in for another in a year or so, and retro fit all my bits lol. They get under your skin ;)


Great effort! Makes me wanna go do mine! Maybe the weekend, or the weekend after that! :hail:
  mazda 2 sport white
nice job mate now i get it , but you still did the same as me with the mods we must be mad ! :banghead:
couple of reflection pics, taken with my N80 so not great detail, but you get the idea :)


