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  Clio 1.2 Sport
Hi all, recently purchased my first ever clio after selling my mazda mx5, she is only a 1.2 sport but im very impressed ! previous owner spent a fortune on a proper k+N forced induction kit which seems to do the job, the only thing that is driving me nuts is random creaking from the interior !!!! from what ive heard this is common but i cant seem to find an answer to the problem? any comments would be greatly appreciated :)
  PH2 172

Does yours have a sunroof? they are forever creaking, only way round it is to leave it off the latch, or jam a sponge in between the handle and the roof IIRC
  Clio 1.2 Sport
Cheers all, yes my sunroof creaks, drives me mad ! will do as you say though and she if that works, i am located in Barry, South Wales.

