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New Member's Car - Liquid Yellow 182

  Liquid Yellow 182
Hiya guys, just picked up my 182 on Friday, chuffed to bits with it. Took a few pics on my phone, hope to get my private plate put on it this week too, going to DVLA office tomorrow morning. Plate reads L19DY S, can't wait to get it on!
  Liquid Yellow 182
Doh I can't post any pics, god knows how you do that!! I'll put them on my profile anyway...
  A4 Avant & A3
Your not from Bristol by any chance are you???
If so, that's a nice looking car, and an even niver looking driver!
If your not... then.... whooops

On friday afternoon, i was driving to the renault dealer (in a 172 cup) in mangotsfield, bristol & saw a liquid yellow clio with a very.. very attractive driver driving away from it!

Maybe this was you.

EDIT!! Just looked at your profile & you are from bristol.. i bet it was you :)
  A4 Avant & A3
lol.. sorry..
just thinking back to last friday afternoon.. (well about 12.30-1 ish) i was driving to the renault dealer & my eyes got a proper treat.. ;-)
  Liquid Yellow 182
Lol!! Thanks Norris!! Could have been me, I haven't seen any others in Bristol, I only picked it up Friday morning from SJ Cooks in Kingswood. I've hardly left the car since then!!
  Megane 225 Cup
Liquid yellow is lush... enjoy, im enviouse.

post up a pic... and then for clarification, a pic of yourself ;)

  Liquid Yellow 182
Thankyou Fungus, I decided I wanted that colour and thought I was going to have to travel for it, but two days later I found one at my local garage! Got a good price for it too, was obviously meant to be!
  cock mobile.

Had to be done, lol! :clown:
  A4 Avant & A3
yup that must have been you then.. (kingswood.. mangotsfield... always confuses me :)

i was going to SJ Cooks.

Enjoy your new car, i might even give you a 'flash' if i see you (thats headlights obviously)
  Megane 225 Cup
LadySarah said:
Thankyou Fungus, I decided I wanted that colour and thought I was going to have to travel for it, but two days later I found one at my local garage! Got a good price for it too, was obviously meant to be!

Sounds like it was, so you got any plans for modifications, or leave as standard?

  A number of clios
i hate you already :mad:

na only kidding welcome to the club you got one nice car i want it lol
  Liquid Yellow 182
Thanks for the welcome guys!! I feel at home already! Mods? Don't know yet, might get bigger wheels and getting it ice'd up asap.
  Liquid Yellow 182
I'm gonna go outside and take dealer sticker off right now! Thought the same thing when I saw the pic that big.
  Vee dub
Howdy Doodly Sarah

Im based just outside of Bristol....

Get yourself to our next meet up!

Cheers and welcome to the club


  Liquid Yellow 182
Thanks Tom, I'll defo come to any meets I can get to, any excuse to show off my new baby and meet some other Clio freaks!!
  Vee dub
LadySarah said:
Thanks Tom, I'll defo come to any meets I can get to, any excuse to show off my new baby and meet some other Clio freaks!!

Excellent.. :approve:

I'll keep you informed of our next one when we decide then

afternoon :) I wouldnt put bigger rims on it, spoils the drive (i've been there done that on the 172 i had before the 182)
  Chocolate Bar™
if u're going to the DVLA office dont go the bloody one in chester absolute bloody nightmare :dapprove: loads of sods there doing tax who should have had it done last week. Nice car btw :)
very nice, bet your very 'APY' with it? lol :eek:

i was very close to buying liquid yellow, but went for inferno instead :approve:
  172cup/BMW 320 coupe
hi lady sarah, thats my mates old car i think? itsa good one, he really looked after it! love the colour! i mite see u driving round, i live in downend!

welcome to the site!

edit** i just checked and it is my mates old car, its a minter to! you gota good one there, enjoy it! **edit

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LadySarah said:
Thanks Tom, I'll defo come to any meets I can get to, any excuse to show off my new baby and meet some other Clio freaks!!
Could be a record turn out at the next south west meet ;)
