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New Tax Bands

£210 for the year for my R27 - hasn't changed, Co2 = 199g/Km

I think my 1992 1.4 RT's has gone up a couple of quid though?

Just seen that BBC link - Mine just scrapes in at £260 from next year.

invisible man

The BBC link is for new cars. ie:- if you buy a brand new car in 2010, for a car over 186g/km it will be £425 for the first years road tax & then £270 per year there after. A 172 cup fore-instance that is 5-6 years old the tax this year will be £210. After that it will be up to the chancellor in his next budget.
  172 Cup
I'm lost here, whats it going to be then for a 52 plate 172 cup this year £210 and then £260 the year after?
Pre 1973 , so the worst polluting cars aren't effected and I can safely say your Vee will never make it to that, regardless of how old it is :)

Tis a joke really, if they ring-fenced this money so it only goes on 'green' stuff and improving our roads (public transport, alternative fuels, road improvements etc) I wouldn't have a problem, but as it is it just seems to go wherever.
  visualize whirled pe
When does my car become tax exempt? How old has it got to be?

It won't - I think they did away with that!

Yep the cut off date for free tax is vehicles manufactured upto the 1st January 1973. You can get away with a few more days (I think up to the 11th Jan) This is based on the manufacturer date, not the date of first registration, so long as you have proof the vehicle was manufactured before this you are OK. It was around 1997-8 that the Gov decided to abolish the 25 year old rule and just stick to this date.

My last classic missed free tax by 2 months, but I've owned a few tax free cars. It's an ace feeling picking up a years worth of free vehicle tax.
  172 ph1
So still no real incentive to get much under 120g/km then. This will have remained unchanged for 10 years by 2011.

Usual pseudo green nonsense.

Going to do wonders for the future classic car market. Who is going to want a big engined 2001 car for the odd sunday outing when you have to pay a disproportionate, non-mileage based tax on ownership?
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  Black R27+08 Swift Sport
Don't forget that they were kind enough to not put the fuel prices up for six months. I thinks its because browns new hybrid jag is on back order till the summer.:mad:
  visualize whirled pe
So still no real incentive to get under 120g/km then. This will have remained unchanged for 10 years by 2011.

Usual pseudo green nonsense.

Going to do wonders for the future classic car market. Who is going to want a big engined 2001 car for the odd sunday outing when you have to pay a disproportionate, non-mileage based tax on ownership?

Aggggh! don't give them ideas!!! It sounds like you want road pricing!
If the government create road pricing per milage (like any other tax) it will increase disproportionately over the years.

I think I see which direction the government would like to steer us regarding this. An increase in vehicle tax is made to watch everyone get wound up about paying large amounts of vehicle tax.
So they set vehicle tax to zero for all cars at a later date to introduce pay per mile road taxing (at a rate which will be controlled by them) and could conceivably become crazy within another 10 years, you will have to live on the doorstep of where you work to be able to get there daily without spending a days wages.
This is the crux, they will then tell us we got what we wanted as we didn't like paying vehicle tax.

If things seem crap now they could be a lot worse and i have no reason to be against milage related road pricing for selfish reasons as i did 3000 miles last year and road pricing would save me a shed load, my argument is that the nation would be royally f**ked by this and all domestic and industrial frieght (which is 95% road based) will make the cost of living a bloody fortune as the costs are handed down.


ClioSport Club Member
Will the six month option still be available?

Only using the Vee on average once a month it will now cost roughly £40 every time I drive it out the garage, added to that the current £80 I pay a month insurance and roughly £50 in petrolnow makes it an expensive hobby. Thats not including maintenance/road charges/fines/vandalism and other things that can cost. anyone?
  Add me 2 ur PS3 - Lylak
The BBC link is for new cars. ie:- if you buy a brand new car in 2010, for a car over 186g/km it will be £425 for the first years road tax & then £270 per year there after. A 172 cup fore-instance that is 5-6 years old the tax this year will be £210. After that it will be up to the chancellor in his next budget.

It's not mate, I think you are a bit confused.

Basically the budget is outlining changes for the 2009 car tax year of 2009.

So, if you were to buy a new car with emissions at 194 (same as a Clio 172) then you'd pay £425 car tax for the FIRST year. The following year it'll be £270.

Any car with emissions at 194 whose tax is due during 2009 will pay £260. The following year in 2010 it will go up a further £10 to £270.

It might be worth thinking about getting a 6 month tax this year if it's due then getting a 12 month later in the year / early next year as it'll work out a bit cheaper over the course of 18 months.
  172 ph1
No Rich, I don't want road pricing as they would shaft us.

What I also don't want is to have to pay £400+ a year in car tax for a hobby, it is unreasonable.

Ditch the car tax, stick 2p or whatever necessary on petrol to cover the lost revenue. All nice and fair then.

£400+ road tax is not a deterrent for someone who can afford to do 20k miles a year in a Range Rover. It will affect someone who has off-roading as a hobby though.
  Mk1 Eunos Roadster
At least it's still only £210 if you tax it this year. £260!?!? Bah. Robbing arseholes, none of it will be used to improve the roads.
  visualize whirled pe
No Rich, I don't want road pricing as they would shaft us.

What I also don't want is to have to pay £400+ a year in car tax for a hobby, it is unreasonable.

Ditch the car tax, stick 2p or whatever necessary on petrol to cover the lost revenue. All nice and fair then.

£400+ road tax is not a deterrent for someone who can afford to do 20k miles a year in a Range Rover. It will affect someone who has off-roading as a hobby though.

To be honest though I'd rather get screwed over on my hobbies rather than my necessities.
My car is half hobby / luxury as I don't really 'need' it, it just comes in handy to do jobs, I'm prepared to pay the £180 or more a year to have a car there when I need it. Sure it's a kick in the balls once a year but I'd rather pay that than loads extra on fuel (or road pricing) to me that is just a kick in the balls every time I turn the key.

I know you reckon they'll only chuck a few pence on fuel but once the flood gate has opened for them to add duty to cover the cost...they like to add a few pence just for fun now, it will be more like a few quid if they are trying to cover car tax.
I don't want to come over as being harsh because you made a fair point, but if you have an expensive hobby or luxury mate you have got to pay for it, that's the bottom line.

For the millions who have small, very economical cars, and drive a fair distance to work in them.... They already pay the minimum for insurance, road tax and spends less on fuel so they will feel the hurt if money is added to fuel or road pricing. Those car owners are already doing all they can to get to work as cheaply as possible, *often they have no other viable option (in a country with a frankly inconvenient, expensive and vastly underfunded public transport system) how happy will they be to get their £35 a year eco road tax knocked off and then spend £thousands a year more than they would have on fuel so some people can have a 'hobby'.

The irony would be that their economical car will all of a sudden seem like a gas guzzler at the pumps for what it would cost to run on a daily basis and in one foul swoop the government would make it impossible for some people to even afford to commute to work in a car*, the ones whom they are trying to encourage to be green in the first place!
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  A Flamin' Red one
Is the information provided on the BBC website for NEW cars. That is, staright from the showroom? I only ask because my parents drive a 3.0l V6 24v Volvo :S
  106 GTi
No - Any car past 2001 with any decent sized engine is going to be bottom raped come next year !
Start Rant:

This is just another perfect example of the f*c*ing labour goverment trying to tax the hell out of the middle classes. The Rich will escape this. Anybody who can drive a porche cayenne and keep it in fuel and servicing can easily stump the extra wonga to cover this without breaking a sweat. It's pointless, and it'll have no decernable effect on the environment because of the f*c*ing americans still cruisin round in 4.8L SUVs with the AC on full blast. I know an american girl who complains when she has to park too far away from school in the parking "lot", and school is a 5 min walk!
Sod this government, I'm gettin a decat. Then I might p!ss off somewhere else when i've finished my degree and they can cover my student loan.

Rant over
  05 IO 182 cup
yeah where is all of this extra money actually going to end up - as per usual not a lot will be spent on the disgracefully poor maintained road network.

thought the budget was farcical to be honest - a sensible budget - yeah whatever labour - more tax to pay for your f**k ups over the last 11 years in power more like.

but bless them for shelving the 2p tax increase until october - thats made me feel a whole lot better - price per litre is prob going to rise up steadily anyway before they hit us with another hike.and the extra billions that are going to go into the coffer jar from the alchohol tax increases which are going to be above inflation for the forseeable - where is this money going to go ???

like a few have said, IF it was noticed in the public eye that each tax rise was having a direct and positive effect on essential public services IE healthcare,education,police,infastructure then we would not as a nation be complaining.

phew that feels a bit better - a bit !! rant over
  A Flamin' Red one
If this country would only put their moanings into actions. They couldn't lock an entire country up for not paying its road tax! (Partly because the prisons are full of criminals who don't pay their TV licences - there certainly aren't any REAL criminals locked up, just watch the daily reports on the news of re-offenders stabbing people!)

What happened to riots? The only time more than 5 people get together to prove a point is at flash-mob these days!
The crazy thing is some new engines are really cleverly designed. My wifes new 3 series coupe tax is only 14O quid! I almost lamped the guy in the post office last year when he said "That's 205 pound's please", probably best i buy my tax online this year!
The really sad thing is real enthusiasts who would one day love to own a future classic, whether it's an old tvr, evo, v6 clio or such like may now never be able to. It always will the little guy that get's hit first. Fact is it's easy money for the government!
ALISTAR DARLING...........................

What a w**ker, imagine banging taxes up when f**king petrol is high enough as it is (its 116.9p per litre of diesel and the same for optimax up here at the moment and in rural places it's be more)

And its meant to be going up an extra 2 pence in autumn that'll be nearly 120p per litre) :(

Is he for real ?

And as people say i wouldn't mind if it got ploughed back into giving us decent roads etc etc rather than ones full of f**king pot holes.

But it aint its spent on pointless s**t.

And how the hell does he expect you to take public trnasport everywhere ?

Cause up here its a joke, you couldn't possibly take the bus,train everywhere as the services aint good enough :(

Anyway rant over and i'll be a few quid lighter come the end of april when my tax is due :mad:

yep 100% agree with that .. give it 2 years and byebye

Agreed it sad :(

Everyone will has 1.0 litre yaris's soon, unless your one of the high classes in society that can afford to run cayennes etc etc who will have heaps of cash to line the piss taking governments pockets.

Heres the Uk trying to do all to save the planet, recycling, increase in taxes to try and reduce car use etc etc.

And heres the big polluters like china, russia and the usa doing f**k all :(

If they clamped down a bit on emmisions etc etc i'm sure that'd have a bigger impact on world global warming than the uk tightening things up and trying to turn all green we are a small dot on the world map and it won't do f**k all :(
