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New to Cliosport - 182 in the Alps

  Clio 182
Hi everyone. As you already guess i'm new to this forum. I have been reading some posts for a few weeks and thought i'd come out of my little cave and say hello.

I joined this forum as i bought myself a 182 at the end of May and thought it would be prudent to join a forum where i can recieve technical help (it is a french car after all :p).

I was hoping to post some pics of the car as i have just returned from the Alps having driven the car there and back for a mountain biking holiday. Can anyone tell me when or how i get these privileges so i can share the excellent drivers roads with people.

  Clio 172 RS2

MTB-ing in the Alps is always a big plus.

As to Q of photo posting!
Host them on photobucket or something similair.
Then place them with the imagecode

 link code

For example.: Sport/IMG_0338.jpg
Hello mate, welcome to CS :)
you might have to also be a paid member to post pics, i think it's about a tenner to join.
  Clio 182
Ok Cheers for the responces.

Photobucket seems the daddy.

£10 wont hurt the wallet too much either - I presume there are some perks!
