You seem like a trustworthy chap i'll take a bob the builder cheque!
You seem like a trustworthy chap i'll take a bob the builder cheque!
I don't mind if I go down to 17s tbh Goodj.
Monza's off the Gti? Plenty of reps around iirc.
Pros sit perfect there mate.
Goodj you still have first refusal. It looks splendid in the sun today!
Mmm stolen someone's sig but..
It's not really a driver's car is it?.
Yeah but; come on.
Yeah but; come on.
Keep the wheels silver too, Ant. Looks really fresh!
Faster than yours: Check.
Built better than yours: Check.
Better spec than yours: Check.
Cheaper to run than yours: Check.
Bigger than yours: Check.
Cheaper to tax than yours: Check.
I'd say he's got a pretty good car you skinny island dwelling homo.
Oi. Scarlett.. You're supposed to be on holiday !!
Lol. What has my car go to do with the price of chips?
I don't like my car either.
No chance of that, the river is running red. I'm not in the mood anyway, all I want to do is rip someone's head off.
Alway a bed at mine dude.. X
Fancy a really small bedroom, 1 geek, 1 normal person?