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Newbie just got a clio 172 phase1

  Clio 172 phase 2 cup
Hi all,
Just purchased a black phase 1 172 a lot of questions to ask i have around 2k to spend tuning it where would you start and also want suspension. Where do i start i am thinking about getting the k tec manifold and decat and a full system as to what i dont know i quite fancy a twin exit and it has to be as raspy as possible any recommendations or am i going to have to custom make 1? Also where can i buy a ram air style filter as it has a open green on it and it gets way too hot!!!. Any coilover recommendations or something i could add to the list , i have previously had a cammed VTS so wouldnt mind doing the same any recommendations and prices on that would be helpful.
Sorry to blabble on a bit

how much you looking at spending on coilovers? i ordered my H&R's this morning, heard they are one of the best sets around.. £750... failing that FK's also seem to be popular..

not much use on the engine side tbh...
Welcome Mr, Where bouts in the country you from though m8?
if you are in yorkshire you are more than welcome at any of our meets, and you would be welcome at meets all over if you are not from round here, take a look, get some ideas and questions answered
  Clio 172 phase 2 cup
I am based in north wales, wouldn't mind going to a meet . Where did you get the coilovers from them prices seem good? I just found GDi do cams for 1550 very interesting, however i would prefer to start with a good full system decat and manifold the k tec one seems steep i paid 250 for my last manifold and it looks a lot better quality too not a clio one but why so dear ?


ClioSport Club Member
Hi mate,

I used to have a Ph1, great cars.

For your budget i would get the FK Coilovers, a decat pipe and the Yozzasport stainless exhaust system. Any dosh left over i would get some inlet work done and a RS Tuning remap.

Welcome to CS
sounds like a nice car mate good luck with it.....may be a long shot but are you the same guy who offered me your vts and 300 quid for my 172 on pistonheads?
  Clio 172 phase 2 cup
Do yozzasport do a exhaust for the phase 1? I couldnt seem to find one on their site for ps1. Answer to the last question i sold my VTS to a friend its still on the drive waiting to be picked up she is a minter i hope the 172 is up to the job of replacing it :D . My budget might become a bit bigger soon as i have some other items for sale my old bike cagiva mito if anyone is interested .
cool...yeah man the 172 is like a quicker vts similar handling and all that the 172 is a bit more sturdy/safer aswell though

my phase2 172 is streets ahead of the 106 gti i owned a few years back
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
ive taken some stick about my twin exit but i quite like it, 2k wont go far in all honesty,
Exhaust £400
Coilovers £550
Manifold match £600


ClioSport Club Member
  E92 M3,172 track car
ive taken some stick about my twin exit but i quite like it, 2k wont go far in all honesty,
Exhaust £400
Coilovers £550
Manifold match £600
£600? It's £270 with a refundable £100 when you send your inlet and manifold back.
