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Newbie to the site and to Renault

  Clio 172
After blowing up a vectra on the track i decided to get a Clio 172.
2001 51 plate.
Dont know all that much about it and only had a quick go as got no tax yet.
Any advice or anything to watch out for i should know about?
any one take there car on the track..?:)


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
welcome, make sure your cambelt has been done before u have fun with it.
  Clio 172
welcome, make sure your cambelt has been done before u have fun with it.

Well i seem to have some problems already :dapprove:

click/clunk when using clutch but not if very gentle.
Hell of a vibrate and drag noise when in first or second and putting foot down hard (drive shaft maybe?)
Also makes a noise when cornering hard (drive shaft)

Love the car but not happy with all the problems on first day out with it.
Mind you it still drove me back home :approve:
