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newsleecher v3.0

  Mondeo ST TDci
is it any good? only ask as ive got the demo and carnt fully test it. It looks good... but that usually doesnt mean a thing lol
  172 Cup
Why can't you fully test it?

The trial version is exactly the same as the full version, juts limited to 30 days.
  Audi S3 225
I was well happy using it up untill recently, Everytime i would start a download it would go for a few mins then give me an error and all the files being listed would change to DODE.

I uninstalled it, deleted everything to do with the prog, cleared registry etc. retstarted reinstalled.....same problem!!! tried beta and also got same problem. WTF

Im using newsbin at the mo, not as good and a bit confusing but does the job for the time being while i read up on this stupid DODE problem.
  172 Cup
It's NODE Jonesy - Everyone is siffering from the same problem as of a few days ago.

Stuart - Perhaps it's only 15 days now but for that time period it's fully functional.
  Polo + Micra
yeah i'm using it fine

the first piece of software i've paid for in a while:eek:
