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Nice i just wrote my car off!!!!! Head on with a passat

  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
I say hats off to you for admitting you were in the wrong. We can all drive a little too fast where we shouldn't but most of us get away with it. (Fortunately). In drving like an idiot (self confessed), you have wrecked your car and someone elses car. I am glad neither of you were hurt. All I hope is, when you eventually get your licence back, this incident will have taught you what not to do. One stupid mistake is acceptable (as long as no-one gets hurt), and as long as you learn by it.

The fact you are taking full responsibilty and willing to face the consequences is a credit to you, and for that alone I wish you good luck in court.

What are you on about!? The fact that he feels the need to illustrate his incompetent driving on this forum to everybody, only goes to highlight his level of intelligence!

Now hang on one minute Pete. I have seen thread after thread of people showing the damage to their cars when they have either taken a corner too quickly or simply just misread the road conditions and lost it. In those threads most people have sympathised with the damage and understood that in some cases it has been down to inexperience. In some of these cases if another driver or pedestrian had been close by, the conclusion may have been very different. I have not seen anyone say a driver lacks intelligence because he/she made a mistake, experience yes, but not intelligence.

The young lad in question here admits he was at fault and has in my opinion so far been very mature about it all. He has and is also taking verbal abuse from a few members without I might add any back lashing. It is not as if he put up the pics and is bragging about it, quite the opposite infact. If he was bragging about it, then maybe I would agree it was/is not an intelligent move to post it up. Since when does admitting you have done something wrong mean you are not intelligent?

Get a grip mate!
everyone speeds at some point, but not in the street bit silly that... looking at your bebo site, I wonder if you will be bragging about the bum sex you will be forced into having while inside
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
everyone speeds at some point, but not in the street bit silly that... looking at your bebo site, I wonder if you will be bragging about the bum sex you will be forced into having while inside

Uh ohhh, watch out for flirty Mcsquirties. :quiet:

Sorry. :eek:
  Monblue bombay badboy!
wrote my quick off this year bud. Driving like a t**t, maybe! Just learn from it i have respect ya car and your life you came out ok so dont let there be a next time;)
  Clio 1.6 16v Dynamique +
Live and learn mate

Well, some do.... but some clearly don't:

I wonder if he'd even bothered to have the damage from his previous bout of pratting about corrected, or whether it was contributory in the accident a mere 6 days later...

:eek: He pranged it six days before this one? There was I being nice and giving him the benefit of the doubt too. :eek: Normally most people learn by their first mistake, seems like others don't. Damn it dude, learn by this one for f**k sake! Calm down before you kill yourself or someone else.:nono:
  182 inside
t**t driver who speeds on a quiet side road deserves everything he/she gets. you may claim to be young and stupid but you could of killed the other guy. then how would you feel!!! wake up and get some lessons
  V6 255, 172's, JCW,
What are you on about!? The fact that he feels the need to illustrate his incompetent driving on this forum to everybody, only goes to highlight his level of intelligence!

Now hang on one minute Pete. I have seen thread after thread of people showing the damage to their cars when they have either taken a corner too quickly or simply just misread the road conditions and lost it. In those threads most people have sympathised with the damage and understood that in some cases it has been down to inexperience. In some of these cases if another driver or pedestrian had been close by, the conclusion may have been very different. I have not seen anyone say a driver lacks intelligence because he/she made a mistake, experience yes, but not intelligence.

The young lad in question here admits he was at fault and has in my opinion so far been very mature about it all. He has and is also taking verbal abuse from a few members without I might add any back lashing. It is not as if he put up the pics and is bragging about it, quite the opposite infact. If he was bragging about it, then maybe I would agree it was/is not an intelligent move to post it up. Since when does admitting you have done something wrong mean you are not intelligent?

Get a grip mate!

You mention about not bragging..!?.. Surely his avatar shows how remorseful he is. He seems to have put this thread up for the attention.. Get a life!! Before you take someone elses!!
  My bicycle!!
ive learnt from my lesson, i know im a t**t for doing this, it could have been alot worse, im going to loose my licence which i deserve. end of


ClioSport Club Member
  Q8 E-Tron
ive learnt from my lesson, i know im a tw*t for doing this, it could have been alot worse, im going to loose my licence which i deserve. end of

At least you're big enough to admit it, if you really mean it.

I was the same in my first couple of cars, never had a crash, but many close calls, then you realise it just aint worth it!
  My bicycle!!
ive learnt from my lesson, i know im a tw*t for doing this, it could have been alot worse, im going to loose my licence which i deserve. end of

At least you're big enough to admit it, if you really mean it.

I was the same in my first couple of cars, never had a crash, but many close calls, then you realise it just aint worth it!
yeah just as i was getting interviewed aty the cop shop, he asked me if it is worth it, i just said it aint! which its not, just wish i never did it now :(


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Former R27 & Mk1 V6 owner
Live and learn mate

Well, some do.... but some clearly don't:

I wonder if he'd even bothered to have the damage from his previous bout of pratting about corrected, or whether it was contributory in the accident a mere 6 days later...

Hah, I was about to post something nice, till I read that. One assumes "local hangout" was McDonalds heh...

Hopefully you will learn this time mate - everyone makes mistakes, part of been alive - the trick is to learn from them - hopefully you will this time and will be better for it :) Just thank god you didn't hurt (or worse) anyone!

  SEAT Ibiza SC FR
There's a time and a place for speeding, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 zones are DEFINATELY no-go's.

Look, use your bloody head, you obviously managed to pass your driving test, so there must be something in that head of yours. Look at the road, assess the situation and drive to the conditions.

Sure I'm guility of speeding, we all are. But we have the brain power to do it in the right places. I'm a firm believer that if it's a motorway, dead of night, you're in good condition (not tired, or old, or pissed or high on drugs) and your car is capable 200mph would be fine. But sometimes 5mph is too fast.

Plus where I live is ace, 30 zones stick to 30, soon as you see the nation speed limit sign whack it in 2nd and boot the sucker. The bloke in the 3 series t**t-mobile behind you that's up your arse will be caught off guard and take an age to catch you. ;)

