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Nice lambo lp640 vid!!

  Ibis A3 BE
Very cool vid - thanks for the post. The noise, the looks - awesome.

I think Top Gear could do with someone like that who doesn't mind driving uber hard on road, Stig on track, and the boys for their usual fun - would make a good group.

Only thing is if Top Gear showed that on roads everyone would send their usual bulls**t letters in complaining about it - oh well.
  MCS R56
You would think that on a car that is so nice they might have designed some decent dials. The dial console looks $hit. 1 million warning lights please.
  White R26/Stripped Valver
ahhhh helll yeah! and i get to thrash(hope i do) one round thruxton in a couple of months along with a ferrari f430!
  The Bus and MRT
That's amazing, I'd like to think that if I ever got a RWD car I could do that... more likely I'd end up in the nearest hedge :S
