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Nokia 808 PureView (with 41mp camera!)

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
That's right! A 41 mp camera on a phone! Also Dolby 5.1.

Spotted this was trending on Twitter.



Internals look pretty poor in relation to the newer smart phones (I think) - 1.3Ghz processor running 512 Ram on Symbian Belle.


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  2001 Clio 172
"But what does the 41-megapixel sensor actually mean when you use it? Well you have the option of snapping at different resolutions. You can take standard 5- or 8-megapixel snaps and blow them up to a ridiculous size, if you want to frame them for your wall. The maximum resolution you can shoot at is 38 megapixels -- do so, and you can zoom in for amazing detail that you would've missed on a standard resolution shot."


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
looks pretty cool despite being symbian

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ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
It could be a billion pixels for all i care. It wont make you take pictures like a pro.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
the camera doesnt look awful, but you would only buy it for its camera nothing else


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
so much negativity on this forum

why dont people just say yes symbian is dead but looks interesting and look forward to seeing the actual quality of the photos.
  Listerine & Poledo
I didn't realise I needed to sugar coat things as not to upset the phones feelings.

Probably best to get one of those jelly bean factory cases for it, then it need never hear a bad word again...

..oh .....wait.

Ah yes, they dont make one that'll fit it
  Listerine & Poledo
Saw this in the paper today.

It'll flop. Massively.

If they slapped a partially-eaten fruit on the back of it, things would be very different.

They wouldn't need to put a charger in the box with it, or a manual, or even a battery.
  Listerine & Poledo
They've released some true world firsts....

All massive sales failures, except the '3' one, which was only big because it was the first handset on Three that wasn't a complete brick



I think phone cameras are past the point of logic now.

I take pictures with my phone as I have done for years since I had the little camera add-on to my SE T68i :eek: but I never do anything with that means they need to be massively high-res.

They go on facebook/twitter. Get emailed or sent via iMessage.

If I want to take 'proper' pictures for a canvas or at an event like FoS or something, then I have a proper camera.
  Listerine & Poledo
It did.... for the time.

but it doesn't stack up very well against even a cheap, contemporary pre-pay.

They were also a f****** ball-ache when they played up. Nokia didn't want to know, 3 didn't really support them, so someone in the middle had to catch the grief

Proper game changing technology, if those samples are genuine (I have no reason to believe they aren't). If it turns out as well as it could they could probably make more money licensing the technology to Panasonic for their Micro 4/3s cameras than they do from making phones these days.

The sad thing is this will once again mean people think more megapixels = better photos, when in fact this is an entirely different concept being shot through what appears to be one hell of a lens for a phone camera.
I was ready to be dismissive because 41mp on a sensor the size of a pea should result in terrible quality, but it doesn't look that way. Odd that no camera manufacturers are using this tech TBH. I'll wait for some real world samples.
Odd that no camera manufacturers are using this tech TBH. I'll wait for some real world samples.

Presumably Nokia have some fairly watertight patenting going on. Sigma have a "46mp" sensor that's actually a 15mp sensor with 3 depths to it each capturing different light (red, green and blue), which therefore doesn't need an AA filter so can capture more detail.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182

Proper game changing technology, if those samples are genuine (I have no reason to believe they aren't). If it turns out as well as it could they could probably make more money licensing the technology to Panasonic for their Micro 4/3s cameras than they do from making phones these days.

The sad thing is this will once again mean people think more megapixels = better photos, when in fact this is an entirely different concept being shot through what appears to be one hell of a lens for a phone camera.

looks mega
for symbian, the ui doesn't look too bad. However it's nokia missing the point of what they should be doing to recapture some market share yet again
Depends which way you look at it.

They aren't going to win on OS. They aren't going to win on exterior styling. The high end is covered. The low end is more than covered.

They needed something different. If those pictures are real, this might just be it.


ClioSport Club Member
got one on pre order should have it for the end of the month aparently. Symbian does everything i need ive been using it for the last 1.5yrs on my N8

reason its running symbian is because they have been developing the camera technology for the last 5yrs so been developed to run on Symbian, apparently the tech is coming to windows phone in the future though.

takes less than 1second from pressing the camera button to the phone being ready to take a picture.
